Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gamesot reviews, opinions please.

Before you dismiss this thread as yet another GTA review rant please read on. My thread is intended purely to explore opinions on the idea of the perfect 10 reviews given out these days. Yes GTA will be used as an example, not because i disagree with the score (quite the oposite) i simply don't understand how it can be given a perfect score, and yet the Gamespot reviewer mentions in the video review ''GTA v is not perfect...''. I find the statement contradicatory and if it is not perfect why give it perfect scores? My problem is, i have seen many 10/10 scores given to many games that really were not. Halo 3 was given 10's by all the affiliated magazines for example, so how do you compare GTA's 10 to Halos 10? And frankly why should you? I mean Halo 3 was great and had a lot of great moments but was it up to this standard? The answer is unfortunatly no. So do you think a game should get a 10/10 (perfect) score if the reviewer doesn't think it is perfect? Personally I think it is a 10.*slipping on my flame* Gamesot reviews, opinions please.
A 10 does not and never will mean perfect. NOTHING is perfect in our world.Gamesot reviews, opinions please.
10 isn't perfect... it's prime. Meaning it's the best possible game at the time it was made, or doesn't have enough detractions to matter.
IGN says it best: A 10 doesn't mean a game is perfect -- it means a game is pushing boundaries, expanding a genre, and doing many things to a level so far above and beyond its competitors that they overshadows any flaws.
It's kinda close to perfect. Go buy it immediately and make you own judgement.
Same reason the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Chrono Cross, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 and Soul Calibbur got 10s despite the fact that they were not perfect.Nothing is perfect, keep this in mind.But they were all games that really pushed the limit of what could be done at their time, easily out classed the competition and were enjoyed by almost all who played them.Plus I'd say that they can more easily get away with ten than they could before.GS current rating system has them round scores up and down. So who know, this ten could actually have been more like an 9.9 or a 9.8.
You have to go by IGN. They've given out 3 10's lifetime. Soul Caliber
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GTA4All of which truly did deserve the score. You can't be upset because Xbox Magazine gives Halo 3 a 10, or PSM gives MGS a 10. You just have to know which sources you can trust. IGN is my say so in everything, they are always very good with their reviews.
There is a such thing as flawless. Go read the OoT review. No game with flaws should receive a ten. According to Gamespot, a 10 is a game that is ''as perfect as a game can aspire to be at its time of release.'' GTA IV is not as perfect as it could be.
[QUOTE=''nbtrap1212'']There is a such thing as flawless. Go read the OoT review. No game with flaws should receive a ten. According to Gamespot, a 10 is a game that is ''as perfect as a game can aspire to be at its time of release.'' GTA IV is not as perfect as it could be.[/QUOTE] I've been playing the game for...15 hours now. I hope you're farther into it than that if you are already making statements like that. I'm sure you havne't even seen everything the game has to offer yet.So go ahead and throw your opinion around a mere hours after release.
[QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''] You have to go by IGN. They've given out 3 10's lifetime. Soul Caliber
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GTA4All of which truly did deserve the score. You can't be upset because Xbox Magazine gives Halo 3 a 10, or PSM gives MGS a 10. You just have to know which sources you can trust. IGN is my say so in everything, they are always very good with their reviews.[/QUOTE] Not at all the case.They also gave Dragon Warrior III, The Legend of Zelda the Oracle of Season, The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Gold, Metal Gear Solid(GameboyColor), Magical Tetris Challenge, SNK Vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium, Sonic the Hedgehog: Pocket Adventure, Pokemon Yellow, Mario Golf, The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX, Super Mario Brothers Deluxe, Shanghai, Checkered Flag, Joust, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue 10s.
I know there isn't a perfect game, but to me a 10 means the goods far out due the bads. ps I'm still waiting for my copy of gta4 in the mail.
There is no such thing as perfect and to have a score on the review scale that can never be achieved is ridiculous.
[QUOTE=''vashkey''][QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''] You have to go by IGN. They've given out 3 10's lifetime. Soul Caliber
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GTA4All of which truly did deserve the score. You can't be upset because Xbox Magazine gives Halo 3 a 10, or PSM gives MGS a 10. You just have to know which sources you can trust. IGN is my say so in everything, they are always very good with their reviews.[/QUOTE] Not at all the case.They also gave Dragon Warrior III, The Legend of Zelda the Oracle of Season, The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Gold, Metal Gear Solid(GameboyColor), Magical Tetris Challenge, SNK Vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium, Sonic the Hedgehog: Pocket Adventure, Pokemon Yellow, Mario Golf, The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening DX, Super Mario Brothers Deluxe, Shanghai, Checkered Flag, Joust, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue 10s.[/QUOTE] Yea but most of those are coming from the Gameboy/Gameboy Color/ and even the Atari Lynx days...The beginning of Handhelds, it was a huge accomplishment.They even say in their video review of GTA it's the last REAL 10 they've given since Soul Caliber.
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Umm...well personally I dont care about gamespots reviews or ign's reviews (although i will say it, ign is more credible)...what i do check however,is the CRITIC SCORE section in gamespots review (yes GTA 4 got a 9.9 by the critics)..But then again the critic score is an aggregate...So basically i have to play the game myself to judge it,I dont trust reviews anymore (but im sure GTA 4 is still great although i havent played it yet) especially since Army of Two Got a 6.5 (i think) from G$.In short,Reviews arent always correct (especially gamespots).
[QUOTE=''volcomstoner180'']they admit 10 isnt pefect, they say there are flawsit deserves a 10 get over it and just go plya the game stop creating stupd forums[/QUOTE]This is a thread, not a forum, and don't troll. :|

[QUOTE=''MAILER_DAEMON''][QUOTE=''volcomstoner180'']they admit 10 isnt pefect, they say there are flawsit deserves a 10 get over it and just go plya the game stop creating stupd forums[/QUOTE]This is a thread, not a forum, and don't troll. :|
[/QUOTE]I hate these stupid forums too! lol!
personally i was happy to see the rating GTA IV got, but whenever i see a ten i don't think that really means it's perfect.

to me, it just means that saying it's great or superb doesn't do it justice. it surpasses all the other (current) games. and that it's game that you can tell they really worked hard on and it all payed off.
10 = Sold out to the hype.

I've seen the game and I'm not interested in it. Wasn't before either. But the graphics are jittery (imo). Seems like the framerate is very low.

GameSpot tends to sell out to some games and companies while others the dog their reviews. I don't base my decision on GameStop reviews or early reviews. A guy who preordered this game is going to get it, stick it in him machine, play for an hour and be creamy his pants to right a review on the most perfect game he has ever played. I like reviews that are written by people who have played the game through or at least for 20-30 hours. All these 10s tell me people are suckers for good advertise.
[QUOTE=''GreyHairedGamer'']10 = Sold out to the hype. I've seen the game and I'm not interested in it. Wasn't before either. But the graphics are jittery (imo). Seems like the framerate is very low. GameSpot tends to sell out to some games and companies while others the dog their reviews. I don't base my decision on GameStop reviews or early reviews. A guy who preordered this game is going to get it, stick it in him machine, play for an hour and be creamy his pants to right a review on the most perfect game he has ever played. I like reviews that are written by people who have played the game through or at least for 20-30 hours. All these 10s tell me people are suckers for good advertise.[/QUOTE] I doubt it. Maybe the game isn't for you, but from what I've seen it is exactly what I've been waiting for since buying my 360. The 10's seem to be well deserved. Of course you're probably one of those guys that's so rebellious and hardcore with everything you do that anything accepted by the mainstream it an automatic ''phail''.

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