I haven't had a problem finding games or hosting them but what I've noticed is playing games like cops and crooks with 16 people is just too much. I like 4 on 4 matches like GoW style. There may be a firewall issue with your internet because that's why my cousin can't get into very many games. Do you have any issues on other multiplayer games?gta's terrible multiplayer
I'm having the same problems. Try smaller maps like the prison or cony island.
no i have no problems with any other game
i've only been online once, but i didnt have a problem, it connected me to a game real quick, and i had no problem in a room with like 10-12 ppl.
The very first time I tried to go online it wouldn't let me connect. But I figured as it was launch day, it is to be expected. Not had any troubles since though. Find the modes very enjoyable!
I plaied some yesterday night with a fiew friends and we did have some problems but many times when a new game gets released and sells as much as GTA did problems are to be expected.By the way i just can't stop playing single player enough to worry about it right now.
Yeah I'm too into the singleplayer right now, but I did try some Cops N Crooks a few days ago and it was hella fun. But that was after all the nonsense of trying to get into a game. I just figured all that will be ironed out by the time I'm ready to put some time into the MP.
its just that everytime it makes me host a match it wont let me join one
There's only one word to describe GTA IV's Multiplayer......
GTA4 has amazing multiplayer.im rank 4 so you can actually take my opinion seriously :)
I have no problem at all with PS3 or 360 connecting. I dont have it for 360 but played it at my buddies house, no issues.
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