I loved Diablo, that would be great if they made it for the 360.Diablo 3 - for the 360 (POLL) ...*** ...
Diablo 2 was one of the few pc games ive played for the platform. Not bashing pc at all i jus prefer a controller. Diablo 3 on the 360 would be fantastic
Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?
Yeah same here. I've only played a few PC games and two of them being the Diablo's
[QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller. [/QUOTE]i agree
[QUOTE=''DataDream'']Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)[/QUOTE] Have you ever played a non-melee character in diablo? Sure, controlling a Barb with a controller would be fine but for any caster characters i would much rather have my keyboard and hotkeys. Diablo is and should remain a PC game, i want 3, just not on a console.
I choose no, but not because I hate the games, I would just rather buy it for the PC. It doesn't seem like it would feel right as a console game.
If Diablo 3 ever comes out, I don't think it would ever come out on the 360. It would be cool, but I don't see it happening.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.[/QUOTE]Fair pointsArkadian Warriors on XBLA is the closest thing we have so far to a Diablo-style game, though I've only tried the demo and used the warrior.Hack'n'slash characters might work well with a pad, but I do like my hotkeys, particularly for spell casters when you get surrounded, or want to circle-strafe round an enemy while firing spells.
No doubt about it; I'd love to see Diablo 3 on the Xbox 360. It's been a long long time since we've had a great multi-player RPG out; similar to Diablo. The only recent one I can think of besides Arkadian Warriors were Baulder's Gate games; and those were so much fun to play!!I don't think using the controller would be as difficult as some have mentioned. You could use the trigger buttons to bring up macros for spells. for example, hold LT (bring up a macro list) and hit X for fireball or hold RT and Y for whirlwind. I'm sure it could be refined, but I could see it working. I'm not saying a controller would be better than keyboard and mouse, but I think using a controller could work very well.
its not that bad to control a caster, i have arkadian warriors and they have casters, its really easy
Add another options:No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive.I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.
[QUOTE=''Just_Osmo''] Add another options: No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive. I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.[/QUOTE] First I can't add another option as once voting starts in a POLL it is locked and uneditable. Secondly as I stated in a response to someone who said the same thing earlier - due to the fact that the Modrators have been over zaelous (IMO) lately I decided to keep this strictly in the realm of the 360.
A 360 Diablo 3 would be cool, but I would probably get a new Diablo game for my PC long before I would ever get it for a console.
Blizzard very rarely ports their games to consoles, and I don't think they've ever made a console exclusive game. Starcraft for N64 is the last time I remember them releasing anything for a console. Diablo 3 would be better on the PC anyway.
Would I? Absolutely.Will they make it for 360? Absolutely not.D2 can't be played without a mouse, remember a sorceress' teleport skill? Or Traps? A controller can't do these things.I'll still be playing this 100% at release. I LOOOVED D2. I hate WoW.
1. Most likely it would be made for the PC2. If it ever comes out for the 360, they better not mess with the formula too much. That isometrical view was a classic and I will be dissappointed if they try to make all fancy and 3-d and such.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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