Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Convince Me To Keep My 360

Well I had my 360 since launch, and I don't play it anymore really and there doesnt seem to be any major releases for it in the coming months either.Is there any reason I should keep it? I have a PS3 and a high end PC and I don't mind waiting for ports to either for cross platforms. Convince Me To Keep My 360
GTA IV, GeOW 2, Ninja Gaiden II, Too Human are more then enough a reason to keep it.Convince Me To Keep My 360
wel you obviousy havn't been buying games. Here's a tip... BUY GAMES. It's the reason you bought it in the first place
I'm not paid if you keep your 360. Sell it if you want.
no major releases in the up comming months? are you serious?
[QUOTE=''SUPERSTEVE9219'']Well I had my 360 since launch, and I don't play it anymore really and there doesnt seem to be any major releases for it in the coming months either.Is there any reason I should keep it? I have a PS3 and a high end PC and I don't mind waiting for ports to either for cross platforms. [/QUOTE]It;s up to you, posting here isn't gonna solve your dilema. Who cares what we say anyways
I guess I will sell it, most of the games you guys mentioned are coming out on the PS3 or PC.Ehh thanks I guess
lol he thinks hes making 360 fans mad over the ps3 talk
You might want to hold onto your 360 for Halo Wars. That is, if you are interested in RTS games.
[QUOTE=''SUPERSTEVE9219'']I guess I will sell it, most of the games you guys mentioned are coming out on the PS3 or PC.Ehh thanks I guess [/QUOTE]later troll :roll:
originally i was gonna say i dont care if you keep it or not but then i realized i read the topic so i must care a little.anyway you should keep it because for one its better than a ps3. i personally am not a pc gamer so i wont say anything about thatbut there are awsome games comin out like gear2, ninja gaiden 2 to name the big ones that are comin soon.
gta4 gow2 resident evil 5
And over to your right you will see a troll leaving the Xbox 360 boards.
I wanna answer your question with another. Why should we convince you? I mean you want us to convince you to keep it yet you can't see the reasons for yourself? Wow I mean if you question it that much you might as well throw it out the window or at least thats what it sounds like you want to do.
Do as you wish... :P
I have a 360 and ps3, and i personally like my ps3 more, but the 360 is good and has some games that the ps3 doesnt like fable 2.
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If you are dense enough not to see that the 360 has the best games of this gen then by all means get rid of it cause i for one dont want to have to risk seeing a person with your gaming tastes on xbl anytime soon and since the psn sucks ill never see you thee if i ever decide to buy the system that in last place.
This troll fails. Epically.

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