I can't find one of the bridges, is there anyone that has a map with all 13 labeled or a video guide?GTAIV Under the Radar help
no not yet
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Xbox 360.. frying my disc
this is my third xbox360 so far.. ive had my newest one for quite a bit though. for some reason, while im playing a game, the disc will come to a halt, i know this because i can hear it, a loud grunting noise. and then BAM! your game is unplayable stuff pops up. Anyone want to give me a number for customer support or tell me what to do? thanks.
Halo 3 Boosting to 50 (General)
Nevermind, I'd rather be legit.Halo 3 Boosting to 50 (General)
? doesnt sound fun 2 meHalo 3 Boosting to 50 (General)
See original post.
I'm a 43 in Lone Wolves...but I don't think I want to cheat.Meh,I'll consider it.
Read original post.
your lame dude your cheater and cheaters are LAME.
? doesnt sound fun 2 meHalo 3 Boosting to 50 (General)
See original post.
I'm a 43 in Lone Wolves...but I don't think I want to cheat.Meh,I'll consider it.
Read original post.
your lame dude your cheater and cheaters are LAME.
my parents wont allow me to play N+
my parents wont let me play N+ what should i tell her to let me play it. by the way im 15.my parents wont allow me to play N+
Lmfao, but they let you play Bioshock (Im guessing because of the sig bar)? WTF!my parents wont allow me to play N+
Isn't that the game were you play as a little ninja? Play Ninja Gaiden 2. They'll let you.
also I was wondering how much blood, gore, swearing and jumping is in the game. o and also how much box collecting. thx
I have never heard of this game.I will have to search it.
Ya what game arew you talkig about?
here's the link to the game www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/nplus/index/.html?tag=result;title;6
sorry i posted the wrong link this is it www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/nplus/index.html?tag=result;title;6
I found a game called N+ here on Gamespot, but it's rated E 10.This makes me really confused because the poster was taking about blood and gore.I'm now very confused.
Yeah its kind of embarresing but my parents only allow me to play C5 games.what do you reccomend I tell them to let me get it?
THat is an amazing game, tell them it is a good brain game and teaches you to puzzle solve or somthing, ( that is how i got conkers bad fur day when i was 15 lol ) but then they herd the C word and yelled at me :'(
wow this is weird, parents not letting someone play N+? of all the games to prevent people from playing... anyways, tell your mom that it isn't that bloody at all and it's just a simple platforming game with little to no violence. of course when you die your body parts go flying in different directions and there are blood splatters, but its seriously nothing, sqeamish 3 year olds could handle it. plus i believe there is an option to turn off the bloog/gore.
well, I think it is time you sat down and had a talk with them
thx everyone for the posts and I just went and asked my mom and told her there wasnt much blood and its was a puzzle game but then she told me to go F MYSELF! my moms so stupid she wont let me play N+ but she'l swear to my face. my moms stupid!
get caught looking at porn and then a side scrolling platformer doesn't seem so bad anymore.
[QUOTE=''paullywog'']get caught looking at porn and then a side scrolling platformer doesn't seem so bad anymore.[/QUOTE]Actually my friend had this same problem and that was his solution, and after a month of grounding they let him play GTASan Andreas LOL!
thats mess up man, thats E, i played those like when i was 5, lol, tell her to look it up and see the rating. i thought u were joking, lol
[QUOTE=''shadow0192'']thx everyone for the posts and I just went and asked my mom and told her there wasnt much blood and its was a puzzle game but then she told me to go F MYSELF! my moms so stupid she wont let me play N+ but she'l swear to my face. my moms stupid![/QUOTE]Lmfao, your mom sucks.
I remember that game! It was released yeeeaaars ago on the internet. There's no blood, no gore, just an adorable little stick figure ninja jumping around collecting gold and flicking switchs. It's a puzzle game.. tell your mom to search for the game ''N'' (N+ is the updated version of it, more levels etc so that it could be on XBLA), back when it was released it was good stuff. Curious what they did with it actually..
N+ is very mild...:| It's just an interesting platformer...it's rated E 10,BTW...
Lmfao, but they let you play Bioshock (Im guessing because of the sig bar)? WTF!my parents wont allow me to play N+
Isn't that the game were you play as a little ninja? Play Ninja Gaiden 2. They'll let you.
also I was wondering how much blood, gore, swearing and jumping is in the game. o and also how much box collecting. thx
I have never heard of this game.I will have to search it.
Ya what game arew you talkig about?
here's the link to the game www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/nplus/index/.html?tag=result;title;6
sorry i posted the wrong link this is it www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/nplus/index.html?tag=result;title;6
I found a game called N+ here on Gamespot, but it's rated E 10.This makes me really confused because the poster was taking about blood and gore.I'm now very confused.
Yeah its kind of embarresing but my parents only allow me to play C5 games.what do you reccomend I tell them to let me get it?
THat is an amazing game, tell them it is a good brain game and teaches you to puzzle solve or somthing, ( that is how i got conkers bad fur day when i was 15 lol ) but then they herd the C word and yelled at me :'(
wow this is weird, parents not letting someone play N+? of all the games to prevent people from playing... anyways, tell your mom that it isn't that bloody at all and it's just a simple platforming game with little to no violence. of course when you die your body parts go flying in different directions and there are blood splatters, but its seriously nothing, sqeamish 3 year olds could handle it. plus i believe there is an option to turn off the bloog/gore.
well, I think it is time you sat down and had a talk with them
thx everyone for the posts and I just went and asked my mom and told her there wasnt much blood and its was a puzzle game but then she told me to go F MYSELF! my moms so stupid she wont let me play N+ but she'l swear to my face. my moms stupid!
get caught looking at porn and then a side scrolling platformer doesn't seem so bad anymore.
[QUOTE=''paullywog'']get caught looking at porn and then a side scrolling platformer doesn't seem so bad anymore.[/QUOTE]Actually my friend had this same problem and that was his solution, and after a month of grounding they let him play GTASan Andreas LOL!
thats mess up man, thats E, i played those like when i was 5, lol, tell her to look it up and see the rating. i thought u were joking, lol
[QUOTE=''shadow0192'']thx everyone for the posts and I just went and asked my mom and told her there wasnt much blood and its was a puzzle game but then she told me to go F MYSELF! my moms so stupid she wont let me play N+ but she'l swear to my face. my moms stupid![/QUOTE]Lmfao, your mom sucks.
I remember that game! It was released yeeeaaars ago on the internet. There's no blood, no gore, just an adorable little stick figure ninja jumping around collecting gold and flicking switchs. It's a puzzle game.. tell your mom to search for the game ''N'' (N+ is the updated version of it, more levels etc so that it could be on XBLA), back when it was released it was good stuff. Curious what they did with it actually..
N+ is very mild...:| It's just an interesting platformer...it's rated E 10,BTW...
360 + mixer?
Heya guys. i have a very strange question that i doubt any one will be able to solve but just incase...i bought a 8 track mixer for school, and it is both midi controled and of course, anolog. i have my 360 on chanles 4 and 5 so that i can have the sound going threw my computer speakers but... i have NO volume going to the subwoofer. even tho when i plug my mp3 player into the same 2 channles i get sub volume. WHATS UP?ive also tried using the first 2 channles and using the mixer manual, it should work! it is set up right and every thing. and before i get asked why i even have a mixer, ill just tell you im training to be an audio tec and it makes using the software mixers a lot more natural... but it has oter uses such as this. 360 + mixer?
oh and im using the componint cables ( spelling) audio. i tried with rca and i get the same results..360 + mixer?
no one?cosmetics products
oh and im using the componint cables ( spelling) audio. i tried with rca and i get the same results..360 + mixer?
no one?
Need Advice on XBOX 360
I just recieved my refurbished xbox 5 mins ago and im selling it for ps3(cause i already have xbox 360 HDMI) and i wanted to know how much should i sell it for?includes:(refurbished) xbox360wireless controllerAll Back CordsGraw 2DefJam ICONFortza 2HeadSet1month free XBOX live card
my personal question about Xbox Live
Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????my personal question about Xbox Live
you make a lot of sense lol.my personal question about Xbox Live
Because they know they can't get beat up from someone across the world, lol
It's not just the united states. There's children from all over the world that act like that. Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america. They act tough and it's pretty sad i know a few of them face to face it's just a joke but because you aren't there they just act tough as a joke. It's rather annoying in my opinion.
People who crap talk on live don't get far I notice, everyone reports them if they're really bad.
Trash talking comes from everyone, you can't say people from one nation do it anymore then others
[QUOTE=''craigalan23'']Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america.[/QUOTE]Which country?
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco''][QUOTE=''craigalan23'']Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america.[/QUOTE]Which country?[/QUOTE]The United states.
Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.I'm from the US, btw.
[QUOTE=''2headedhawaiian'']Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.[/QUOTE]Thank you! 8)
i just plug in my headset so i dont hear it
[QUOTE=''2headedhawaiian'']Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.I'm from the US, btw.[/QUOTE] It's an easier way to say it rather than just saying United states the whole time. I'm not from Canada either so i can't say weither they listen to rap and act the same either.Isn't it United states of America so couldn't someone refer to themselves as american? What else would you refer to people from the USA? French are from France,Russians from Russia,and Canadians from Canada?
[QUOTE=''craigalan23'']It's an easier way to say it rather than just saying United states the whole time. [/QUOTE]You can say ''I'm Stater'' or ''I'm from the States''
It's not custom for people from the US to say that. More of a uk kinda thing. We don't say mate either different lingo for different countries.
It's pretty rare that i run into someone from another country on live, but I've had some from the UK and many of them were no different from someone from the U.S... I recall someone repeatedly calling me fat and constantly insulting the U.S. (little did he know that i'm bit less than 150 pounds and not much of a patriot. lol.)
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Because they know they can't get beat up from someone across the world, lol[/QUOTE] done and done
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Crap Talkers, lol.
Use mute anyone?
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Because we live in a country where we can think for ourselves, say whatever we want to, vote for our presidents, challenge our laws, and can choose any religion we want to, unlike your dictatorship country where you're all brainwashed. Thanks and have a good night!!.
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Because you spoke proper England. :roll:I do notice that people from the US really do love to shout and insult people on X-Box Live, however, I've also noticed that most of those people were kids, who will do that no matter what country they're from. Everyone takes the piss sometimes when it comes down to competing on XBL, it's gamer nature; it's when it turns to proper insults that the negitive rep and blockings start.Generalising a country because of a few kids and a few people who think they're Vanilla Ice is just plain wrong.
you make a lot of sense lol.my personal question about Xbox Live
Because they know they can't get beat up from someone across the world, lol
It's not just the united states. There's children from all over the world that act like that. Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america. They act tough and it's pretty sad i know a few of them face to face it's just a joke but because you aren't there they just act tough as a joke. It's rather annoying in my opinion.
People who crap talk on live don't get far I notice, everyone reports them if they're really bad.
Trash talking comes from everyone, you can't say people from one nation do it anymore then others
[QUOTE=''craigalan23'']Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america.[/QUOTE]Which country?
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco''][QUOTE=''craigalan23'']Also though there's a lot of wannabe ''gangstas'' on live which is a big trend in america.[/QUOTE]Which country?[/QUOTE]The United states.
Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.I'm from the US, btw.
[QUOTE=''2headedhawaiian'']Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.[/QUOTE]Thank you! 8)
i just plug in my headset so i dont hear it
[QUOTE=''2headedhawaiian'']Yeah, it is annoying when USers refer to themselves as Americans, thereby ignoring South and Central American countries, as well as Canada. Pet peeve.I'm from the US, btw.[/QUOTE] It's an easier way to say it rather than just saying United states the whole time. I'm not from Canada either so i can't say weither they listen to rap and act the same either.Isn't it United states of America so couldn't someone refer to themselves as american? What else would you refer to people from the USA? French are from France,Russians from Russia,and Canadians from Canada?
[QUOTE=''craigalan23'']It's an easier way to say it rather than just saying United states the whole time. [/QUOTE]You can say ''I'm Stater'' or ''I'm from the States''
It's not custom for people from the US to say that. More of a uk kinda thing. We don't say mate either different lingo for different countries.
It's pretty rare that i run into someone from another country on live, but I've had some from the UK and many of them were no different from someone from the U.S... I recall someone repeatedly calling me fat and constantly insulting the U.S. (little did he know that i'm bit less than 150 pounds and not much of a patriot. lol.)
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Because they know they can't get beat up from someone across the world, lol[/QUOTE] done and done
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Crap Talkers, lol.
Use mute anyone?
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Because we live in a country where we can think for ourselves, say whatever we want to, vote for our presidents, challenge our laws, and can choose any religion we want to, unlike your dictatorship country where you're all brainwashed. Thanks and have a good night!!.
[QUOTE=''thegordoloco'']Why the unitedstaters are so crap talkers at live????[/QUOTE]Because you spoke proper England. :roll:I do notice that people from the US really do love to shout and insult people on X-Box Live, however, I've also noticed that most of those people were kids, who will do that no matter what country they're from. Everyone takes the piss sometimes when it comes down to competing on XBL, it's gamer nature; it's when it turns to proper insults that the negitive rep and blockings start.Generalising a country because of a few kids and a few people who think they're Vanilla Ice is just plain wrong.
I have a question about the oragne box(s ...
I tried searching wiki,but failed.So my question is, wahts the differences between the xbox 360 versoin and the pc?Does it hold up like the pc version?or is it watered down?And is tf2 on the xbox 360 competeable to halo 3 and cod4?How good is itThanks-_- i might become a xbox360 owner so im studying up..I have a question about the oragne box(s ...
its the same thing except you use the controller instead of the mouse and keyboardI have a question about the oragne box(s ...
Get the PC version for sure. Custom maps and 32 players is definately a better reason to get it. Hell, I own both versions of the game, and I rarely ever play it on the 360 now.
i heard that the 360 version is laggier. the PC version has support for user-made maps (which it desperately needs since there are so few maps to begin with). compared to COD4, Halo 3, and even a game like Jedi Academy from a few years back, TF2 is not even close.
the thing is,my comp cant even run ccs -_-..so if you can only get teh xbox360 version,would you?and whats the max players for xbox?16 right?
Don't get me wrong, the game is still fun on 360. It's just better on PC. But I had a blast with the game before I got the PC version, so if you can't get the PC version, get the 360 one for sure.
TF2 is better on 360 just by default, 32 multiplayer, more maps, modding and what not... I only had it for 360 and it was still a great game..
I tried it on the 360 and I only found two games, the only one I can join lagged like crazy.
So noone plays the sbox360 verision anymore?can someone check how many people there are for the sbox 360?thx
its the same thing except you use the controller instead of the mouse and keyboardI have a question about the oragne box(s ...
Get the PC version for sure. Custom maps and 32 players is definately a better reason to get it. Hell, I own both versions of the game, and I rarely ever play it on the 360 now.
i heard that the 360 version is laggier. the PC version has support for user-made maps (which it desperately needs since there are so few maps to begin with). compared to COD4, Halo 3, and even a game like Jedi Academy from a few years back, TF2 is not even close.
the thing is,my comp cant even run ccs -_-..so if you can only get teh xbox360 version,would you?and whats the max players for xbox?16 right?
Don't get me wrong, the game is still fun on 360. It's just better on PC. But I had a blast with the game before I got the PC version, so if you can't get the PC version, get the 360 one for sure.
TF2 is better on 360 just by default, 32 multiplayer, more maps, modding and what not... I only had it for 360 and it was still a great game..
I tried it on the 360 and I only found two games, the only one I can join lagged like crazy.
So noone plays the sbox360 verision anymore?can someone check how many people there are for the sbox 360?thx
Do you lose...
Do you lose all of your purchased arcade downloads after your subscription to live ends?Do you lose...
no because they r on ur HDDDo you lose...
that's what i thought...but i'm trying toget back on live right now but waiting for a ppoe password from my roomate so to kill time I wanted to play some of my arcade games....but they're all trials now!!! wtf!!
[QUOTE=''Sublime54456'']that's what i thought...but i'm trying toget back on live right now but waiting for a ppoe password from my roomate so to kill time I wanted to play some of my arcade games....but they're all trials now!!! wtf!![/QUOTE]
that happens to me also, it happened when my 360 broke and i got a new one, its because it was the original system i D/Led them on
no because they r on ur HDDDo you lose...
that's what i thought...but i'm trying toget back on live right now but waiting for a ppoe password from my roomate so to kill time I wanted to play some of my arcade games....but they're all trials now!!! wtf!!
[QUOTE=''Sublime54456'']that's what i thought...but i'm trying toget back on live right now but waiting for a ppoe password from my roomate so to kill time I wanted to play some of my arcade games....but they're all trials now!!! wtf!![/QUOTE]
that happens to me also, it happened when my 360 broke and i got a new one, its because it was the original system i D/Led them on
Xbox live player's voices
How do I increase the volume of the people's voices in multiplayer? I'm not using a headset. I just want to hear my teammates in COD4 give locations. It was working at first and I mutes some people because they were being annoying. Now the voices are very lowcosmetics products
U.P.S shipping my xbox 360 from repairs ...
U.P.S shipping my xbox 360 from repairs, should be here tomorrow, Im only 15 so i have to go to school, do I have to be there to sign for it or will they just drop it off on my back deck?*****Just asking because the first time it broke i was home from school before the man came which is at 3:15, if I dont make it home on time will they just drop it off?Thanks U.P.S shipping my xbox 360 from repairs ...
you have to be there, they wouldn't leave a 360 console left alone for anyone to come get would they.U.P.S shipping my xbox 360 from repairs ...
UPS is gay about this, i had to go to the UPS warehouse=(
you have to be there, they wouldn't leave a 360 console left alone for anyone to come get would they.U.P.S shipping my xbox 360 from repairs ...
UPS is gay about this, i had to go to the UPS warehouse=(
What Game should I rent.?
Ok hey I have a question.What game should i rent I have xbox360, ps2, wii and dsI dont want a M games cuz theres no point.Any recomendations?What Game should I rent.?
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]What Game should I rent.?
k i like RPG's but also shooters and strategy. I have all the madden ncaa crap and obliv, cod 4, assasins creed, etc.
pick up Blue Dragon its really underrated I mustve spent 60+ hours on the game
[QUOTE=''shadow0192'']pick up Blue Dragon its really underrated I mustve spent 60+ hours on the game[/QUOTE] it is really that great? it got a 6 ={
plz? cmon guys =(
yeah blue dragon should defenitly have not got a 6 it deserves atleast an 8. But also Dark Sector is really amazing.
How about medal of honor airbourne? the weapon upgrade system sounds fun
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]What Game should I rent.?
k i like RPG's but also shooters and strategy. I have all the madden ncaa crap and obliv, cod 4, assasins creed, etc.
pick up Blue Dragon its really underrated I mustve spent 60+ hours on the game
[QUOTE=''shadow0192'']pick up Blue Dragon its really underrated I mustve spent 60+ hours on the game[/QUOTE] it is really that great? it got a 6 ={
plz? cmon guys =(
yeah blue dragon should defenitly have not got a 6 it deserves atleast an 8. But also Dark Sector is really amazing.
How about medal of honor airbourne? the weapon upgrade system sounds fun
Does anyone else think the lighting in G ...
You could be standing in the middle of the street in the lightest of day but if you look at the front of Niko all you see is a dark shadow. And on the mission where you have to [spoiler] kill Mikhail [/spoiler] and you are climbing up the stairs at the top of the building, I couldn't even find the stairs. I was running into a damn wall until I died. And at night it is very tough to find the door to your apartment cause the street lights are pretty useless.Does anyone else think the lighting in G ...
ya its a bit dark but not too bad, have you tried messing with your tv and game settings??Does anyone else think the lighting in G ...
Is there a cheat for making it day all the time? And if I enter this cheat, will it mess up my save game and prevent me from getting achievements?
agreed i put a garbage bag over my window and turn all the lights off and it makes it a little better need a high def
[QUOTE=''iamcanadian69'']agreed i put a garbage bag over my window and turn all the lights off and it makes it a little better need a high def[/QUOTE] Strange, I just got through playing it and was thinking the same thing. It's way to dark. I'm playing on hi def also, 720P. I tried all kinds of settings and nothing helps! I like games with lots of great lighting effects. So far this one sucks because of the darkness. In my opinion this game only deserved about a 8.5 maximum!! I guess the hype influenced the reviewers.:roll:
Lol, I have no problems seeing.
i havent played GTA4, but had the same problem with Bully: Scholership Edition. Raising the brightness helped it a little bit, so try that
[QUOTE=''dsplayer1010'']i havent played GTA4, but had the same problem with Bully: Scholership Edition. Raising the brightness helped it a little bit, so try that[/QUOTE] Already tried everything that could be adjusted. When the brightness or contrast is turned up then the color looks dull. I'm really disappointed with this game. money down the drain! I put Halo 3 in earlier and actually enjoyed it more.
Try tweaking the brightness and stuff in options.
[QUOTE=''MM87'']You could be standing in the middle of the street in the lightest of day but if you look at the front of Niko all you see is a dark shadow. And on the mission where you have to [spoiler] kill Mikhail [/spoiler] and you are climbing up the stairs at the top of the building, I couldn't even find the stairs. I was running into a damn wall until I died. And at night it is very tough to find the door to your apartment cause the street lights are pretty useless.[/QUOTE]I've noticed this too. I'm pretty sure theres something wrong with the game because it kinda just gets really dark all of a sudden. Next time it gets so dark you can't even see a door or something like that try pausing and unpausing the game. See if that makes it go back to the correct brightness level.Also, are you playing on an HDTV? This seems to less of a problem when playing in SD.
this is a problem with your TV dude, not the game. im playing in HD and the game looks great. always bright, even at night. never so dark that i cannot see anything, infact even when it is the dead of night in the game i can still see things more realistically than i would in real life....get your TV looked at or buy a new one, what is more likely, there is something wrong with the game (considering millions have it now and hardly anyone is complaining about this) or that there is something wrong with your TV...... yeah, its your TV.
I noticed this problem too but fixed it using the options in GTAIV. There are three things you can adjust.....1. Brightness2. Contrast3. SaturationPlay around with them until you find the best setting. If the colors look dull increase the saturation. The settings I use are...1. Brightness 3rd from last2. Contrast. 2nd from last3. Saturation 4th from last''From last'' obviously means how far the bar is filled from left to right.
To fix that issue, you are going to have to adjust your lighting/contrast in the game menu. I believe I changed my settings similar to ''x-2tha-z'' and it looks awesome.
I thought the lighting was fine :S
I did, but then I changed the game settings and made it a bit brighter. Now it's perfect.
im glad to hear that the game itself is infact dark and that there isnt something wrong with my tv and too see sometimes i have to get really close to my tv which is frustrating cuz by then ill have died already
[QUOTE=''Roland123_basic'']this is a problem with your TV dude, not the game. im playing in HD and the game looks great. always bright, even at night. never so dark that i cannot see anything, infact even when it is the dead of night in the game i can still see things more realistically than i would in real life....get your TV looked at or buy a new one, what is more likely, there is something wrong with the game (considering millions have it now and hardly anyone is complaining about this) or that there is something wrong with your TV...... yeah, its your TV.[/QUOTE]It has nothing to do with my TV. Every other game looks perfect. And if it was my TV, why would pausing and unpausing the game fix it? Its the game.
ya its a bit dark but not too bad, have you tried messing with your tv and game settings??Does anyone else think the lighting in G ...
Is there a cheat for making it day all the time? And if I enter this cheat, will it mess up my save game and prevent me from getting achievements?
agreed i put a garbage bag over my window and turn all the lights off and it makes it a little better need a high def
[QUOTE=''iamcanadian69'']agreed i put a garbage bag over my window and turn all the lights off and it makes it a little better need a high def[/QUOTE] Strange, I just got through playing it and was thinking the same thing. It's way to dark. I'm playing on hi def also, 720P. I tried all kinds of settings and nothing helps! I like games with lots of great lighting effects. So far this one sucks because of the darkness. In my opinion this game only deserved about a 8.5 maximum!! I guess the hype influenced the reviewers.:roll:
Lol, I have no problems seeing.
i havent played GTA4, but had the same problem with Bully: Scholership Edition. Raising the brightness helped it a little bit, so try that
[QUOTE=''dsplayer1010'']i havent played GTA4, but had the same problem with Bully: Scholership Edition. Raising the brightness helped it a little bit, so try that[/QUOTE] Already tried everything that could be adjusted. When the brightness or contrast is turned up then the color looks dull. I'm really disappointed with this game. money down the drain! I put Halo 3 in earlier and actually enjoyed it more.
Try tweaking the brightness and stuff in options.
[QUOTE=''MM87'']You could be standing in the middle of the street in the lightest of day but if you look at the front of Niko all you see is a dark shadow. And on the mission where you have to [spoiler] kill Mikhail [/spoiler] and you are climbing up the stairs at the top of the building, I couldn't even find the stairs. I was running into a damn wall until I died. And at night it is very tough to find the door to your apartment cause the street lights are pretty useless.[/QUOTE]I've noticed this too. I'm pretty sure theres something wrong with the game because it kinda just gets really dark all of a sudden. Next time it gets so dark you can't even see a door or something like that try pausing and unpausing the game. See if that makes it go back to the correct brightness level.Also, are you playing on an HDTV? This seems to less of a problem when playing in SD.
this is a problem with your TV dude, not the game. im playing in HD and the game looks great. always bright, even at night. never so dark that i cannot see anything, infact even when it is the dead of night in the game i can still see things more realistically than i would in real life....get your TV looked at or buy a new one, what is more likely, there is something wrong with the game (considering millions have it now and hardly anyone is complaining about this) or that there is something wrong with your TV...... yeah, its your TV.
I noticed this problem too but fixed it using the options in GTAIV. There are three things you can adjust.....1. Brightness2. Contrast3. SaturationPlay around with them until you find the best setting. If the colors look dull increase the saturation. The settings I use are...1. Brightness 3rd from last2. Contrast. 2nd from last3. Saturation 4th from last''From last'' obviously means how far the bar is filled from left to right.
To fix that issue, you are going to have to adjust your lighting/contrast in the game menu. I believe I changed my settings similar to ''x-2tha-z'' and it looks awesome.
I thought the lighting was fine :S
I did, but then I changed the game settings and made it a bit brighter. Now it's perfect.
im glad to hear that the game itself is infact dark and that there isnt something wrong with my tv and too see sometimes i have to get really close to my tv which is frustrating cuz by then ill have died already
[QUOTE=''Roland123_basic'']this is a problem with your TV dude, not the game. im playing in HD and the game looks great. always bright, even at night. never so dark that i cannot see anything, infact even when it is the dead of night in the game i can still see things more realistically than i would in real life....get your TV looked at or buy a new one, what is more likely, there is something wrong with the game (considering millions have it now and hardly anyone is complaining about this) or that there is something wrong with your TV...... yeah, its your TV.[/QUOTE]It has nothing to do with my TV. Every other game looks perfect. And if it was my TV, why would pausing and unpausing the game fix it? Its the game.
GTA 4 Lock Up (Pls Dont Lock)
I dont know about you guys, but in about the 4 hours of playing, the game has locked up twice. I am curious how often this is happening. Please sign if this has heppened to you MODS THIS IS NOT A GTA 4 Discussion. Please Dont lockGTA 4 Lock Up (Pls Dont Lock)
I dont understand why so many people are having problems. My run in the total 11:30 hours that Ive played has been flawlessGTA 4 Lock Up (Pls Dont Lock)
[QUOTE=''A4Audiguy''] I dont know about you guys, but in about the 4 hours of playing, the game has locked up twice. I am curious how often this is happening. Please sign if this has heppened to youMODS THIS IS NOT A GTA 4 Discussion. Please Dont lock[/QUOTE]I have played the game at the very least 12 hours in total and I have not even had the frame rate drop.There has been a few pop ins and one or two time when i went in the safehouse and things were loadding in. Other than that everything has been great.
The only real problems I've had thus far is playing online. Most times when I try to join a party or even just play it glitches on me and disconnects back to single player. No locks up to report though. Besides if there is any problems im sure they'll send out a patch.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
nah man haven't had any problems at all?
I dont understand why so many people are having problems. My run in the total 11:30 hours that Ive played has been flawlessGTA 4 Lock Up (Pls Dont Lock)
[QUOTE=''A4Audiguy''] I dont know about you guys, but in about the 4 hours of playing, the game has locked up twice. I am curious how often this is happening. Please sign if this has heppened to youMODS THIS IS NOT A GTA 4 Discussion. Please Dont lock[/QUOTE]I have played the game at the very least 12 hours in total and I have not even had the frame rate drop.There has been a few pop ins and one or two time when i went in the safehouse and things were loadding in. Other than that everything has been great.
The only real problems I've had thus far is playing online. Most times when I try to join a party or even just play it glitches on me and disconnects back to single player. No locks up to report though. Besides if there is any problems im sure they'll send out a patch.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
nah man haven't had any problems at all?
Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 Question
For those who have this mic, I have a few quick question for you:1. How easy/hard is it to set up? It looks kinda complicated...2. How is the mic quality (is there alot of static or is it clear for the most part)?3. How is the speaker quality (is it loud and clear)?Any help would be appreciatedTurtle Beach Ear Force X1 Question
it is the worst mic ever,.dont even buy or use it.Its very compicated and you hear both the game effects and voice. So its impossible to hear peoples voices.Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 Question
I have the wireless one and it's fairly easy to set up, but a bit cumbersome if you want to listen to sound through stereo because you have to unplug everything and hook it into your TV or sound system. They mic quality isn't that great, so I've heard from my friends, they say there's a fair amount of static in the background. As for sound quality it's pretty good, everything you expect from headsets.
it is the worst mic ever,.dont even buy or use it.Its very compicated and you hear both the game effects and voice. So its impossible to hear peoples voices.Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 Question
I have the wireless one and it's fairly easy to set up, but a bit cumbersome if you want to listen to sound through stereo because you have to unplug everything and hook it into your TV or sound system. They mic quality isn't that great, so I've heard from my friends, they say there's a fair amount of static in the background. As for sound quality it's pretty good, everything you expect from headsets.
QUESTION- about the xbox live wireless m ...
So i bought ' wireless mic and im seeing that it only lasts 8 hours , and takes 6 to charge. And thats a bit, well bad.So im wondering if i can charge it if it isnt dead. Say i only play for an hour, should i hook it up to the charger when im done?Some stuff must be dead before you charge it or else it wont charge back up fully. Is it true for this mic?Answers plzQUESTION- about the xbox live wireless m ...
^^QUESTION- about the xbox live wireless m ...
depends on the battery type, normally u shouldnt do that but ive done it with my rechareables and nothing happens, i aggre that the Wless is junk
wireless is much more comfortable and nicer. Im just wondering if i can charge it if it aint dead.
Yah you can
are you sure it will not effect its ability to hold the charge?
It does not mess it up at all. I have used one for a while and I always have it on the charger when not using it.The way it works is that it will charge it completely and then it will just keep it charged. It will not over charge it. They call it trickle charge. The same with the battery packs for the controllers.
yeah u can do it man no worries
oh thanks alot, woulda have really sucked if it always needed to be dead, and charged for 6 hours.
I'm pretty sure its an NiMH battery which means it doesn't have the old ''memory'' problems that NiCAD batteries had.cosmetics products
^^QUESTION- about the xbox live wireless m ...
depends on the battery type, normally u shouldnt do that but ive done it with my rechareables and nothing happens, i aggre that the Wless is junk
wireless is much more comfortable and nicer. Im just wondering if i can charge it if it aint dead.
Yah you can
are you sure it will not effect its ability to hold the charge?
It does not mess it up at all. I have used one for a while and I always have it on the charger when not using it.The way it works is that it will charge it completely and then it will just keep it charged. It will not over charge it. They call it trickle charge. The same with the battery packs for the controllers.
yeah u can do it man no worries
oh thanks alot, woulda have really sucked if it always needed to be dead, and charged for 6 hours.
I'm pretty sure its an NiMH battery which means it doesn't have the old ''memory'' problems that NiCAD batteries had.
Need help on a new game xD
Hello Gamespot members, First time creating a thread. Well, I just finished BioShock, (an amazing game) seriously, anyone mature enough to handle the gruesome scenes and corpses scattered around the beautiful Rapture should check this out. I loved the whole story, and the creepy environments really helped out too. Im replaying it on hard and I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but its much much harder on hard. I mean, like unfair hard, the plasmids take much more eve each hit than normal or easy, and its nearly impossible to manage your money. Not to mention the enemies are nearly impossible later on. This being said, it is still worth it. But I'm looking for a new game, 360 and well, pretty much anything not too mature, I dont mind gore and violence or language, its the sexual content. It drives my parents beserk when seing it on a game. Most times I can let it slide, and for those who say ''little kids should not play mature games'' Im well into my teenager ages, and can handle anything. Its just the fact that my parents dont realize it, but owell. Ive looked into GTA 4 and didnt like the other games, like I had liberty city and didnt really like it. I never got into the whole Do what you want, anywhere, anything, total freedom. I like mission based with a touch of exploring involved, (like BioShock) and yes I will have Xbox live in a few weeks. I need something that will occupy me for a while, and if it helps, ill list the big games I have and how I felt about them:Gears of War: Excellent BioShock: Excellent Halo 3: pretty good, Id imagine it'll be better on online, the story suckedCall of Duty 3: Okay, never liked the whole war aspect, I like imagination, unrealistic ideas. I like bending the rules xDThats just the better games I have, I have much more, but dont think its significant to list them. So yeah, there it is, For those who read it all thanks, Im awaiting your reply. Please reply with kindness Later xDNeed help on a new game xD
The perfect game for you: Mass Effect.Need help on a new game xD
The darkness,Dead rising,Crackdown,Lost odyssey,RSV:1/2,Graw 1/2,and condmned 1/2. A few of those are pretty cheap too all very good games and well worth a purchase.
The Darkness is a brilliant game.If u liked Bioshock you will like this game.
The perfect game for you: Mass Effect.Need help on a new game xD
The darkness,Dead rising,Crackdown,Lost odyssey,RSV:1/2,Graw 1/2,and condmned 1/2. A few of those are pretty cheap too all very good games and well worth a purchase.
The Darkness is a brilliant game.If u liked Bioshock you will like this game.
GTA, are you serious?
I've been playing for about an hour or 2 now and I've literally done nothing but driving missions; I'm hoping this game gets way better..GTA, are you serious?
yeah but most GTA Games start incredibly easy and then all of a sudden theyre harder then sh**!GTA, are you serious?
Have Fun! :D
they start out like that...but it gets better..the story is so good
Ok good; I like the game so far, but I'm getting tired of driving missions one after another for Roman or whatever. I wonder how many I have to do.
Just an hr? Dude u havent even scratched the surface of the game yet. I have been playing for 10hrs and I am just unlocking stuff. Gotta give it time.
things get interesting when you meet the jamaican.
dude, the game gets so much better bro, trust me
I've met him already, but I'm not calling him much yet, I'm trying to do this Roman guys jobs, unless there ''endless''
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']I've met him already, but I'm not calling him much yet, I'm trying to do this Roman guys jobs, unless there ''endless''[/QUOTE]Lol, i like how you call him ''this Roman guy'', likes hes not an important character
Lol what do you want me to say, haha
Are those missions the Taxi achievements?
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement
Haha, gotchya.
Yeah exactly, those ''Jobs'' u can do for him don't advance the story, they just unlock perks, you'll find similar stuff with other characters. Oh and I'm happy to announce that I beat the game 4 hours ago, yippeee, lol. Amazing man... an emotional GTA who would've thought?
[QUOTE=''EuroMafia'']things get interesting when you meet the jamaican.[/QUOTE]I have but nothing interesting happened IMO. 6+ hours in and I'm yawning which I couldn't believe myself as I love the GTA series as much as the next guy.
[QUOTE=''MarioRPGer''][QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement[/QUOTE]Dude he is your friend... for gods sake! He's your COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to ask but what happens if you kill Roman (if you can at that), is it game over or what?.
[QUOTE=''russian4life''][QUOTE=''MarioRPGer''][QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement[/QUOTE]Dude he is your friend... for gods sake! He's your COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]Yeah, but when your done plaing darts with him the game says '' Roman is now your friend'' and I used quotations so stop taking it so literally
yeah but most GTA Games start incredibly easy and then all of a sudden theyre harder then sh**!GTA, are you serious?
Have Fun! :D
they start out like that...but it gets better..the story is so good
Ok good; I like the game so far, but I'm getting tired of driving missions one after another for Roman or whatever. I wonder how many I have to do.
Just an hr? Dude u havent even scratched the surface of the game yet. I have been playing for 10hrs and I am just unlocking stuff. Gotta give it time.
things get interesting when you meet the jamaican.
dude, the game gets so much better bro, trust me
I've met him already, but I'm not calling him much yet, I'm trying to do this Roman guys jobs, unless there ''endless''
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']I've met him already, but I'm not calling him much yet, I'm trying to do this Roman guys jobs, unless there ''endless''[/QUOTE]Lol, i like how you call him ''this Roman guy'', likes hes not an important character
Lol what do you want me to say, haha
Are those missions the Taxi achievements?
[QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement
Haha, gotchya.
Yeah exactly, those ''Jobs'' u can do for him don't advance the story, they just unlock perks, you'll find similar stuff with other characters. Oh and I'm happy to announce that I beat the game 4 hours ago, yippeee, lol. Amazing man... an emotional GTA who would've thought?
[QUOTE=''EuroMafia'']things get interesting when you meet the jamaican.[/QUOTE]I have but nothing interesting happened IMO. 6+ hours in and I'm yawning which I couldn't believe myself as I love the GTA series as much as the next guy.
[QUOTE=''MarioRPGer''][QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement[/QUOTE]Dude he is your friend... for gods sake! He's your COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to ask but what happens if you kill Roman (if you can at that), is it game over or what?.
[QUOTE=''russian4life''][QUOTE=''MarioRPGer''][QUOTE=''imakillaholic'']Are those missions the Taxi achievements?[/QUOTE]you have to have Roman become your ''friend'' by taking him to play darts and stuff and then youll have access to his special taxi service therefore unlocking the acheivement[/QUOTE]Dude he is your friend... for gods sake! He's your COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]Yeah, but when your done plaing darts with him the game says '' Roman is now your friend'' and I used quotations so stop taking it so literally
grand theft auto 4 - perfect 10
gamespot gave grand theft auto 4 a perfect 10 score on the review. this is the highest score ever given, and pretty much means this is the perfect game. i havent played it yet, and im sure it is really great, but do you really think it deserved a perfect score. keep in mind they gave halo 3 a 9.5, and call of duty 4 a 9grand theft auto 4 - perfect 10
It's NOT the first 10 on gamespot, it is NOT a perfect game, and the score 10 does NOT mean perfect. Wth is wrong with u?grand theft auto 4 - perfect 10
what other game got a 10?
i think ocarina of time did...but anyways yeah there is no such thing as a perfect game..because there is always gonna be someone who doesnt like it...i think it got a 10 because it has waaay too many positives that over lap the negatives.
tony hawk 3 lol. GTA is not perfect but its 10/10 for sure
[QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']It's NOT the first 10 on gamespot, it is NOT a perfect game, and the score 10 does NOT mean perfect. Wth is wrong with u?[/QUOTE]Technically speaking if your rating system is from 1-10 and the game receives a 10, it essentially means it's perfect, 100% etc. How is 10/10 not a 100%?. A 100% means perfect like on a test.
[QUOTE=''gangsta1x'']what other game got a 10?[/QUOTE] Use the search function and yes 10/10 does not fricking mean it's perfect. Just means it excels in every aspect.
can we get passed the whole gta got a 10 thing....ok its a great game....arguably the bast and arguable not the best....reviews are based on the opinion of the reviewers so its not flawless....its just a general consensus...to me ot may not be a 10 but to someone else it may be....its that simple
4 other games have gotten a 10, and a quick Advanced Search will show that they're The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Chrono Cross, Soul Calibur, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (PS2). Furthermore, if you look at GS' review guidelines, you'll see that 10 means ''Prime,'' not ''Perfect.''
It's NOT the first 10 on gamespot, it is NOT a perfect game, and the score 10 does NOT mean perfect. Wth is wrong with u?grand theft auto 4 - perfect 10
what other game got a 10?
i think ocarina of time did...but anyways yeah there is no such thing as a perfect game..because there is always gonna be someone who doesnt like it...i think it got a 10 because it has waaay too many positives that over lap the negatives.
tony hawk 3 lol. GTA is not perfect but its 10/10 for sure
[QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']It's NOT the first 10 on gamespot, it is NOT a perfect game, and the score 10 does NOT mean perfect. Wth is wrong with u?[/QUOTE]Technically speaking if your rating system is from 1-10 and the game receives a 10, it essentially means it's perfect, 100% etc. How is 10/10 not a 100%?. A 100% means perfect like on a test.
[QUOTE=''gangsta1x'']what other game got a 10?[/QUOTE] Use the search function and yes 10/10 does not fricking mean it's perfect. Just means it excels in every aspect.
can we get passed the whole gta got a 10 thing....ok its a great game....arguably the bast and arguable not the best....reviews are based on the opinion of the reviewers so its not flawless....its just a general consensus...to me ot may not be a 10 but to someone else it may be....its that simple
4 other games have gotten a 10, and a quick Advanced Search will show that they're The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Chrono Cross, Soul Calibur, and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 (PS2). Furthermore, if you look at GS' review guidelines, you'll see that 10 means ''Prime,'' not ''Perfect.''
Help Wit My 360!11111
i was playin gta4 and sum lines came in the screen and the screen turned purple wtf i dont kno what to doHelp Wit My 360!11111
Sounds like a Pre-RROD freeze of the screen, I had the same problem, cleared the cache and the rest was fine, so far. Don't know what is causing these freezes.
Sounds like a Pre-RROD freeze of the screen, I had the same problem, cleared the cache and the rest was fine, so far. Don't know what is causing these freezes.
Xbox 360 Racing Wheel with Need for Spee ...
I have the Xbox 360 Racing Wheel. I have only used it with Forza and PGR 3. I went out and purchased Need for Speed: Carbon knowning that it support the wheel, but the game is unplayable with the wheel. I am constantly going from side to side b/c there is no settings for the wheel. Should I just go get pro street or has someone figured out how to get the wheel and NFS: Carbon to play nice. Does it even work well with Carbon?Fuzzdog
Have any of you beat GTA IV
have youHave any of you beat GTA IV
Yeah, but I still have the alternative ending to go.Have any of you beat GTA IV
Nope. And it says my total progress is about 30%. Man, I'm not used to games being this long (which is a good thing) - since it seems I've done TONS of stuff and've barely travelled through.What a great game, though. :)
No i only got the game yesterday ******* postal service here in the UK plus other things like works have stopped me from playing it as much but i should put a good few hours in tomorrow and then sunday and monday i also have off so it's all day sessions there.cosmetics products
Yeah, but I still have the alternative ending to go.Have any of you beat GTA IV
Nope. And it says my total progress is about 30%. Man, I'm not used to games being this long (which is a good thing) - since it seems I've done TONS of stuff and've barely travelled through.What a great game, though. :)
No i only got the game yesterday ******* postal service here in the UK plus other things like works have stopped me from playing it as much but i should put a good few hours in tomorrow and then sunday and monday i also have off so it's all day sessions there.
Naruto rise of the ninja sell or keep
in naruto rise of the ninja i keep getting glitches in story mode like falling through the floor when i get hit by a log ect should i sell it or keep itNaruto rise of the ninja sell or keep
it gets really annoying it just makes it harder to finish game cause i have to turn it off just to make it go back to normal. any suggestionsNaruto rise of the ninja sell or keep
if you like it keep itcuz if you sell it oyull get like 5 bucks lawl...
Ummm..i'd actually try to get another copy first. Thats glitch doesnt sound right. I didnt get it that when I played the game. After u finish the game though there really isnt anything left to do but run around town doing mission u didnt do or just do p vs. p and even that gets old after a bit. Try getting another copy..finish it...then bump it.
I regret I bought this game in the first place, even as a fan of the series I just couldn't bring myself to play it again after the story was done. I'd sell it, or better yet get trade-in value for it.
thnx to all
it gets really annoying it just makes it harder to finish game cause i have to turn it off just to make it go back to normal. any suggestionsNaruto rise of the ninja sell or keep
if you like it keep itcuz if you sell it oyull get like 5 bucks lawl...
Ummm..i'd actually try to get another copy first. Thats glitch doesnt sound right. I didnt get it that when I played the game. After u finish the game though there really isnt anything left to do but run around town doing mission u didnt do or just do p vs. p and even that gets old after a bit. Try getting another copy..finish it...then bump it.
I regret I bought this game in the first place, even as a fan of the series I just couldn't bring myself to play it again after the story was done. I'd sell it, or better yet get trade-in value for it.
thnx to all
Rockstar Hates South Carolinians (**Very ...
There is a mission early in the game where you have to find and beat down a blackmailer. They give you his phone number to call to track him down. Well, his phone number is an (843) area code.... meaning he is from the Charleston, SC area. That's right.... Rockstar wants you to beat down South Carolinians in particular. Why the hatred you crazy Brits? I would think you Brits would LIKE South Carolinians, I mean, we were the 1st to secede from that crazy United States that tried to break away from you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? I mean heck, Charleston (the 843 area code) is named after King Charles for cryin out loud... why the hate? ***Yes, this is a joke. I just found it entertaining that my hometown's area code was in the game (and, as of so far, is the only number you actually receive, the rest are contact lists) despite the fact that the game is set in New York.Rockstar Hates South Carolinians (**Very ...
im actually really sure that is jsut a random number.Rockstar Hates South Carolinians (**Very ...
[QUOTE=''porky_ownsu'']im actually really sure that is jsut a random number.[/QUOTE] I had to replay the mission and it was identical the 2nd time. Now, if it were randomly generated each playthrough, the fact that it pulled my area code randomly might make it cooler for me. I wonder if there are any interesting numbers hidden in the game. Maybe I'll call 867-5309 when I get on later.... see if Jenny picks up.
If you really are from South Carolina, you would realize 843 is for 1/3 of the state, not just Charleston. ;)
[QUOTE=''Bartag'']If you really are from South Carolina, you would realize 843 is for 1/3 of the state, not just Charleston. ;)[/QUOTE] Yeah, but saying it includes Beaufort, Hilton Head, etc where I don't live kinda makes an already silly story even less exciting! ;)
[QUOTE=''nosferatu''] Why the hatred you crazy Brits? I would think you Brits would LIKE South Carolinians,[/QUOTE]Rockstar North isn't British, they're Scottish.
Thats not early thats like 12 hours in
[QUOTE=''The_SandRock''][QUOTE=''nosferatu''] Why the hatred you crazy Brits? I would think you Brits would LIKE South Carolinians,[/QUOTE]Rockstar North isn't British, they're Scottish.[/QUOTE]Same thing dude. Scotland is IN Britain.
im actually really sure that is jsut a random number.Rockstar Hates South Carolinians (**Very ...
[QUOTE=''porky_ownsu'']im actually really sure that is jsut a random number.[/QUOTE] I had to replay the mission and it was identical the 2nd time. Now, if it were randomly generated each playthrough, the fact that it pulled my area code randomly might make it cooler for me. I wonder if there are any interesting numbers hidden in the game. Maybe I'll call 867-5309 when I get on later.... see if Jenny picks up.
If you really are from South Carolina, you would realize 843 is for 1/3 of the state, not just Charleston. ;)
[QUOTE=''Bartag'']If you really are from South Carolina, you would realize 843 is for 1/3 of the state, not just Charleston. ;)[/QUOTE] Yeah, but saying it includes Beaufort, Hilton Head, etc where I don't live kinda makes an already silly story even less exciting! ;)
[QUOTE=''nosferatu''] Why the hatred you crazy Brits? I would think you Brits would LIKE South Carolinians,[/QUOTE]Rockstar North isn't British, they're Scottish.
Thats not early thats like 12 hours in
[QUOTE=''The_SandRock''][QUOTE=''nosferatu''] Why the hatred you crazy Brits? I would think you Brits would LIKE South Carolinians,[/QUOTE]Rockstar North isn't British, they're Scottish.[/QUOTE]Same thing dude. Scotland is IN Britain.
Mini game issue for GTA4
Well i am working on the mini-game achievements and i am getting a little frustrated because i don't honestly know how to win a game of darts and the bowling achievement is just hurting my pride. Any one knows how to get these achievements or win a game of darts?Mini game issue for GTA4
Okay, go for the triple 20 when playing darts, it's extremely easy, if u missed the tutorial it tells u to hold the right trigger to focus ur shot, this only lasts a second so make sure u get it right. And u have to close a game by hitting the Bull (50 points) or any double, so for example, if u have 18 points left, you gotta hit the double-nine in order to close the deal, some minor math skills would be apporpriate here, lol. Oh, and as for the bowling bit, all u gotta do is take 2 steps to the left, hold the stick back for half a second and shoot, easy strikes everytime. And don't make any adjustments to the ball once it's down the alley. Enjoy!Mini game issue for GTA4
....Honestly, i guess i am an idiot because i do not understand what the second responce just said...please...in terms a weird person who knows nothing of darts can understand.
Man I'd have to draw you a picture to make it easier, just go over the tutorial again, it's all there. You start with a handful of points and u work urself down from there to get 0, first one to it wins, simple. But u have to hit the bull's eye in order to win, or a double (the outer segment of every number).
Ok, thanks for the patience lol I am a hand full and these mini games has me freakin out.
Just wait till u try pool, it seems they're all experts, my opponent actually had to shoot down the 8-ball in order for me to win, could be I just suck to, but seriously, they're all pool geniuses.
pool was fun, i lost to some random dude, %26 than i played Roman and beat him which gave me an achievement
Okay, go for the triple 20 when playing darts, it's extremely easy, if u missed the tutorial it tells u to hold the right trigger to focus ur shot, this only lasts a second so make sure u get it right. And u have to close a game by hitting the Bull (50 points) or any double, so for example, if u have 18 points left, you gotta hit the double-nine in order to close the deal, some minor math skills would be apporpriate here, lol. Oh, and as for the bowling bit, all u gotta do is take 2 steps to the left, hold the stick back for half a second and shoot, easy strikes everytime. And don't make any adjustments to the ball once it's down the alley. Enjoy!Mini game issue for GTA4
....Honestly, i guess i am an idiot because i do not understand what the second responce just said...please...in terms a weird person who knows nothing of darts can understand.
Man I'd have to draw you a picture to make it easier, just go over the tutorial again, it's all there. You start with a handful of points and u work urself down from there to get 0, first one to it wins, simple. But u have to hit the bull's eye in order to win, or a double (the outer segment of every number).
Ok, thanks for the patience lol I am a hand full and these mini games has me freakin out.
Just wait till u try pool, it seems they're all experts, my opponent actually had to shoot down the 8-ball in order for me to win, could be I just suck to, but seriously, they're all pool geniuses.
pool was fun, i lost to some random dude, %26 than i played Roman and beat him which gave me an achievement
do you get a month live free when you bu ...
^^^^^^^^do you get a month live free when you bu ...
yes you do.do you get a month live free when you bu ...
even in uk
I didnt, wtf lol.
is it only with special edition or just game too in uk
[QUOTE=''acmepes2008fifa'']is it only with special edition or just game too in uk[/QUOTE]I don't know how it is in the UK, but here in the states every game comes with it.
how do you get it? Does that mean I'd get one month free from a newly bought system and then another free month from buying gta4?
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I got it. I bought the special edition though not sure if that matters.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I got it with the special edition in the UK
[QUOTE=''kidrock17xp'']how do you get it? Does that mean I'd get one month free from a newly bought system and then another free month from buying gta4?[/QUOTE] Yeah you can go ahead and redeem it and it will tack on to whatever you have already. Like I already have a 13 month subscription, with GTA IV I now have 14.
when i got my copy,i also got a second cover that had.free gamer pics and 500points!I thought i got lucky and got 2copys for 1 but nope!
Wait I didn't get anything. I got it at midnight when it came out.
yes you do.do you get a month live free when you bu ...
even in uk
I didnt, wtf lol.
is it only with special edition or just game too in uk
[QUOTE=''acmepes2008fifa'']is it only with special edition or just game too in uk[/QUOTE]I don't know how it is in the UK, but here in the states every game comes with it.
how do you get it? Does that mean I'd get one month free from a newly bought system and then another free month from buying gta4?
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I got it. I bought the special edition though not sure if that matters.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I got it with the special edition in the UK
[QUOTE=''kidrock17xp'']how do you get it? Does that mean I'd get one month free from a newly bought system and then another free month from buying gta4?[/QUOTE] Yeah you can go ahead and redeem it and it will tack on to whatever you have already. Like I already have a 13 month subscription, with GTA IV I now have 14.
when i got my copy,i also got a second cover that had.free gamer pics and 500points!I thought i got lucky and got 2copys for 1 but nope!
Wait I didn't get anything. I got it at midnight when it came out.
Changing Capitalization of Gamertag w/ou ...
is it possible?My friend's tag is ''ii artism ii'' and he wants it to be ''II Artism II''can he do this without paying?we tried deleting the profile and then recovering it using the new capitalization but it did not workChanging Capitalization of Gamertag w/ou ...
any help?Changing Capitalization of Gamertag w/ou ...
Maybe contact Microsoft. Otherwise i don't think you can...
Not 100% sure, but I don't think it's possible. Aren't Gamertags case sensitive? So, ''Artism'' would actually be a different tag to ''artism.'' Again, not entirely sure on this. If your friend really wanted, he could call the toll free line and see.
No you cant do this without paying because it is considered getting a new gamertag
My friend did it twice but I can't remember how he did it. The first time was when he transferred his live account from xbox to the 360. The second time I'm not sure how he did it.
[QUOTE=''Aaron89'']Not 100% sure, but I don't think it's possible. Aren't Gamertags case sensitive? So, ''Artism'' would actually be a different tag to ''artism.'' Again, not entirely sure on this. If your friend really wanted, he could call the toll free line and see.[/QUOTE]Right. As far as XBL is concerned, just changing one letter to a different case is no different than completely changing his GT to xXIlOvEpUpPiEsXx or whatever.
I don'nt think you can. I tried the same thing and it said that the gamertag already existed so for example Gamertag is considered the same as gamertag. Lower case and upper case don't make a difference. Xbox live considers it the same gamertag.
yes you canYou have to recover your GT, When you type in the GT just type in II Artism II It should work, i havnt tried it myself, but my friend did it
any help?Changing Capitalization of Gamertag w/ou ...
Maybe contact Microsoft. Otherwise i don't think you can...
Not 100% sure, but I don't think it's possible. Aren't Gamertags case sensitive? So, ''Artism'' would actually be a different tag to ''artism.'' Again, not entirely sure on this. If your friend really wanted, he could call the toll free line and see.
No you cant do this without paying because it is considered getting a new gamertag
My friend did it twice but I can't remember how he did it. The first time was when he transferred his live account from xbox to the 360. The second time I'm not sure how he did it.
[QUOTE=''Aaron89'']Not 100% sure, but I don't think it's possible. Aren't Gamertags case sensitive? So, ''Artism'' would actually be a different tag to ''artism.'' Again, not entirely sure on this. If your friend really wanted, he could call the toll free line and see.[/QUOTE]Right. As far as XBL is concerned, just changing one letter to a different case is no different than completely changing his GT to xXIlOvEpUpPiEsXx or whatever.
I don'nt think you can. I tried the same thing and it said that the gamertag already existed so for example Gamertag is considered the same as gamertag. Lower case and upper case don't make a difference. Xbox live considers it the same gamertag.
yes you canYou have to recover your GT, When you type in the GT just type in II Artism II It should work, i havnt tried it myself, but my friend did it
It's raining hookers!
Just go into a strip club, wait till the third act and when it's over, a ho will drop down to the flo' and get knocked unconcious (or she might've died not sure), I laughed so hard when I saw this. If u found any other weird bugs please share them.It's raining hookers!
For ANY game I mean, not just GTA IV.cosmetics products
For ANY game I mean, not just GTA IV.
rock band guitars
I just need to release some anger i have at ea. I am on my 4th guitar this month and so far they all break in the first hour of play ive had two with a faulty strum bar and one where the yellow button stuck down and wouldnt come up. I am gentle with the guitars yet there selling this for 200$ my 4th guitar is on the away and if this one breaks i am demanding a refund rock band guitars
If they're causing you that much trouble then just buy a used GH2 or GH3 guitar. They're better and work with Rock Band. rock band guitars
damn man that really sucks. im still on my first guitar. guess im just lucky
I dont think your gentle if your on your 4th guitar but yeah,GH guitar is a better guitar anyways
[QUOTE=''PlasmaBeam44'']If they're causing you that much trouble then just buy a used GH2 or GH3 guitar. They're better and work with Rock Band.[/QUOTE] i have both gh2 and gh 3 conrollers i like the fell of teh strat i bought the game and i expect my hardware to work
[QUOTE=''ConflictMaster'']I dont think your gentle if your on your 4th guitar but yeah,GH guitar is a better guitar anyways[/QUOTE] dude i use my thump to strum i dont wack the strum bar i am just making a statement that the guitars are faulty and should not be released if they do not work sure maybe u got lucky but some people are really pissed
Am i the only one who thinks that the GHIII guitar is the worst of the bunch? The buttons are too firm and the reaction time is a little slow. I actually like the rock band guitar, and honestly, I think the GHII 360 guitar is the best of the bunch. Am i insane?
yea the rockband guitars suck Mine brock before i even used it!The GH2 controler is the best
If they're causing you that much trouble then just buy a used GH2 or GH3 guitar. They're better and work with Rock Band. rock band guitars
damn man that really sucks. im still on my first guitar. guess im just lucky
I dont think your gentle if your on your 4th guitar but yeah,GH guitar is a better guitar anyways
[QUOTE=''PlasmaBeam44'']If they're causing you that much trouble then just buy a used GH2 or GH3 guitar. They're better and work with Rock Band.[/QUOTE] i have both gh2 and gh 3 conrollers i like the fell of teh strat i bought the game and i expect my hardware to work
[QUOTE=''ConflictMaster'']I dont think your gentle if your on your 4th guitar but yeah,GH guitar is a better guitar anyways[/QUOTE] dude i use my thump to strum i dont wack the strum bar i am just making a statement that the guitars are faulty and should not be released if they do not work sure maybe u got lucky but some people are really pissed
Am i the only one who thinks that the GHIII guitar is the worst of the bunch? The buttons are too firm and the reaction time is a little slow. I actually like the rock band guitar, and honestly, I think the GHII 360 guitar is the best of the bunch. Am i insane?
yea the rockband guitars suck Mine brock before i even used it!The GH2 controler is the best
achievement problems
Okayso ive had this problem with a couple games
I do what is required of the achievement but it doesnt unlockits happened a couple times in ncaa 07 and on the expert guitar achievement in rock bandwhat can i do to get them?achievement problems
anybody wanna help?achievement problems
ive had this with halo 3. just keep doing it and it may trigger eventually
I do what is required of the achievement but it doesnt unlockits happened a couple times in ncaa 07 and on the expert guitar achievement in rock bandwhat can i do to get them?achievement problems
anybody wanna help?achievement problems
ive had this with halo 3. just keep doing it and it may trigger eventually
Where are the GTA 4 liberty CIty helicop ...
i already looked at the poster map and cant find anything, do you know where they are????????Where are the GTA 4 liberty CIty helicop ...
South on the middle island, south-east corner.
South on the middle island, south-east corner.
Really, How good is GTA IV
i just wanna see what people really think about the game excluding all the hype and ratings its got, is there really anything that sticks out that much thats makes this game less repetative and more fun than san andreas or any of the other gta'sReally, How good is GTA IV
what makes you so special? post in the sticky...Really, How good is GTA IV
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
what makes you so special? post in the sticky...Really, How good is GTA IV
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
Project Origin (sequel to FEAR)
Anyone else excited for Project Origin (sequel to FEAR) I know I am.Project Origin (sequel to FEAR)
I thought FEAR was okay, there are definetly many better shooters IMO though.Project Origin (sequel to FEAR)
F.E.A.R. is the scariest game ever. Played Condemed at my cuzs. Scared me but not as much as F.E.A.R. Project Origin is going to be raw as HELL! YAY!
I want to see some more info on it first.
I thought FEAR was okay, there are definetly many better shooters IMO though.Project Origin (sequel to FEAR)
F.E.A.R. is the scariest game ever. Played Condemed at my cuzs. Scared me but not as much as F.E.A.R. Project Origin is going to be raw as HELL! YAY!
I want to see some more info on it first.
Rank Your Top 5 Multiplayer Shooters
Alright, so going in order, my top 5 favourite multiplayer shooters for the Xbox 360 thus far:1. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (It'll obviously be ''Colonies'' once that comes out)2. Halo 33. Team Fortress 24. Frontlines: Fuels of War5. Call of Duty 2I'll have to say, it was very difficult to decide my top 5, as I've enjoyed all of these games... Leaving Gears of War out was tough, but I honestly didn't play that game enough to put it up...What would you guys say? Rank Your Top 5 Multiplayer Shooters
these are the only ones im really playing currentlyrainbow six vegas 2call of duty 4halo 3 Rank Your Top 5 Multiplayer Shooters
Halo 3Gears of WarCall of Duty 4Call of Duty 2Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
Big Bumpin'
[QUOTE=''ModernTimes'']Halo 3Gears of WarCall of Duty 4Call of Duty 2Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2[/QUOTE] Ya, GRAW 2 is another solid choice...
Call of Duty 4Halo 3GRAW 2Gears of War
Cod4Halo 3Cod3 (yaaahh i said it! i actually enjoyed this one as much as the rest of them)Rainbow Six VegasGears
Team Fortress 2
CoD4CoD2(had to put both)R6:VGoW
[QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good?
1.cod 42.halo 33.halo 24,call of duty 25.GOW
[QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF
[QUOTE=''antonioGamer87''][QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]I'm not really into the whole sexual side of the game, to be honest... I find the series ridiculous in that way... REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF [/QUOTE]
cod4,cod2, halo 3,gow,graw seriesi cant stand rainbow six. beat it on realistic and never touched it again
America's Army (PC)Halo 3 COD4Halo Combat Evolved (PC)SOCOM 2 (PS2)
1. Gears of War(by Far)2. Call of Duty 23. GRAW 1/24. Call of Duty 45. Halo 3
1. Halo 3 because of all the posibilities 2. Counter Strike becuase of its balance of strategy and action3. Team fortress 1 and 2 becuase of hard to describe4. Gears of war because of being one of the few gritty horroresque multiplayer games5. Super smash bros brawl, it qualifies, all the projectiles and ray guns and missles(i dare anyone to deny me)
No orderCall of Duty 4ShadowrunBattlefield 2 MCGears of WarRainbow Six Vegas 1
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''antonioGamer87''][QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF [/QUOTE]i don't want to sound like a concerned parent, but GTA has given video games overall a bad reputaion, and has caused many other good video gams to carry the burden of being inapropriate. GTA brings in elements which are not neccesary in a video game. Although some might say its what makes it good, many children and teens are suffering. I bet you somewhere outther a deprived child cannot play pacman becuase of the ruthless ''slautering of ghosts.''cosmetics products
these are the only ones im really playing currentlyrainbow six vegas 2call of duty 4halo 3 Rank Your Top 5 Multiplayer Shooters
Halo 3Gears of WarCall of Duty 4Call of Duty 2Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
Big Bumpin'
[QUOTE=''ModernTimes'']Halo 3Gears of WarCall of Duty 4Call of Duty 2Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2[/QUOTE] Ya, GRAW 2 is another solid choice...
Call of Duty 4Halo 3GRAW 2Gears of War
Cod4Halo 3Cod3 (yaaahh i said it! i actually enjoyed this one as much as the rest of them)Rainbow Six VegasGears
Team Fortress 2
CoD4CoD2(had to put both)R6:VGoW
[QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good?
1.cod 42.halo 33.halo 24,call of duty 25.GOW
[QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF
[QUOTE=''antonioGamer87''][QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]I'm not really into the whole sexual side of the game, to be honest... I find the series ridiculous in that way... REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF [/QUOTE]
cod4,cod2, halo 3,gow,graw seriesi cant stand rainbow six. beat it on realistic and never touched it again
America's Army (PC)Halo 3 COD4Halo Combat Evolved (PC)SOCOM 2 (PS2)
1. Gears of War(by Far)2. Call of Duty 23. GRAW 1/24. Call of Duty 45. Halo 3
1. Halo 3 because of all the posibilities 2. Counter Strike becuase of its balance of strategy and action3. Team fortress 1 and 2 becuase of hard to describe4. Gears of war because of being one of the few gritty horroresque multiplayer games5. Super smash bros brawl, it qualifies, all the projectiles and ray guns and missles(i dare anyone to deny me)
No orderCall of Duty 4ShadowrunBattlefield 2 MCGears of WarRainbow Six Vegas 1
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''antonioGamer87''][QUOTE=''tyuzfuny''][QUOTE=''ollie456'']RSV 2 and GTAIV[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna be buying GTA, but is the multiplayer really good? [/QUOTE]REST IT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF [/QUOTE]i don't want to sound like a concerned parent, but GTA has given video games overall a bad reputaion, and has caused many other good video gams to carry the burden of being inapropriate. GTA brings in elements which are not neccesary in a video game. Although some might say its what makes it good, many children and teens are suffering. I bet you somewhere outther a deprived child cannot play pacman becuase of the ruthless ''slautering of ghosts.''
GTA4 loading prob
when i play hung out ot dry the loading screen stays on and doesn;t load the mission ive tried other missions but it works on themGTA4 loading prob
Happened to me once, took about a minute, but the mission started. I had a disc read error as well, but I cleaned it and all is well for now...GTA4 loading prob
Happened to me once, took about a minute, but the mission started. I had a disc read error as well, but I cleaned it and all is well for now...GTA4 loading prob
gta 4 burroughs
Does anyone know the names of the 5 burroughs in gta 4 and whicih burrough they are suppose to represent?gta 4 burroughs
Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread gta 4 burroughs
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE]Jersey City...........
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117''] Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE] New Jersey city? isnt that right next to conneticutville
besides camden or newark would be a better NJ city for a game like this instead of Jersey city
all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked
[QUOTE=''StonieStoned420'']all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked[/QUOTE]What are you talking about?!?!? There's.... wait, how about... no, you know your so right. Actually Jersey is so bad I can smell the crapiness across from the B Franklin Bridge and Walt Witman Bridge.
lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117''] Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE]Jersey City...........
i live in new jersey and its pretty nice. new york smells not jersey and thats because all the trash that lives there..
this game will be amazing regardlessapr 29 cmon
[QUOTE=''Maidendude''] [QUOTE=''StonieStoned420'']all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked[/QUOTE]What are you talking about?!?!? There's.... wait, how about... no, you know your so right. Actually Jersey is so bad I can smell the crapiness across from the B Franklin Bridge and Walt Witman Bridge.[/QUOTE]maidendude where you live pa?
[QUOTE=''amscheip1'']besides camden or newark would be a better NJ city for a game like this instead of Jersey city[/QUOTE]True, more gangs, crime, and such would be more interesting but still Jersey City is right next to NYC. Besides JC has a pretty high crime rate, the Greenville neighborhood is one of the scariest places I've been. I'm interested to see how the portray the ghettos and such.
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
You guys def need to put down the joys and get out more... Atlantic City!!..enough said
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.
[QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[/QUOTE]I wish we didn't have those movies...no offense to jersey, i like it there and everything, but Kevin Smith...has gotta go.
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[/QUOTE]Jersey Girl, Clerks II and... of course.. the fabantastic SModcast... because without Kevin Smith.. it would only be Modcast.. And I don't think Scott Mosier could handle it by himself.
[QUOTE=''popsspop'']You guys def need to put down the joys and get out more... Atlantic City!!..enough said[/QUOTE]AC sucks vegas is way better. AC is not that great. go out to the west and you will see how crappy jersy is
Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread gta 4 burroughs
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE]Jersey City...........
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117''] Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE] New Jersey city? isnt that right next to conneticutville
besides camden or newark would be a better NJ city for a game like this instead of Jersey city
all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked
[QUOTE=''StonieStoned420'']all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked[/QUOTE]What are you talking about?!?!? There's.... wait, how about... no, you know your so right. Actually Jersey is so bad I can smell the crapiness across from the B Franklin Bridge and Walt Witman Bridge.
lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117''] Broker=BrooklynDukes=QueensAlgonquin=ManhattanBohan=BronxAlderney=New Jersey CityStaten Island was not fun to play in according to R* so they didnt include it/thread [/QUOTE]Jersey City...........
i live in new jersey and its pretty nice. new york smells not jersey and thats because all the trash that lives there..
this game will be amazing regardlessapr 29 cmon
[QUOTE=''Maidendude''] [QUOTE=''StonieStoned420'']all of jersy sucks so it really didnt matter which city they picked[/QUOTE]What are you talking about?!?!? There's.... wait, how about... no, you know your so right. Actually Jersey is so bad I can smell the crapiness across from the B Franklin Bridge and Walt Witman Bridge.[/QUOTE]maidendude where you live pa?
[QUOTE=''amscheip1'']besides camden or newark would be a better NJ city for a game like this instead of Jersey city[/QUOTE]True, more gangs, crime, and such would be more interesting but still Jersey City is right next to NYC. Besides JC has a pretty high crime rate, the Greenville neighborhood is one of the scariest places I've been. I'm interested to see how the portray the ghettos and such.
[QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
You guys def need to put down the joys and get out more... Atlantic City!!..enough said
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.
[QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[/QUOTE]I wish we didn't have those movies...no offense to jersey, i like it there and everything, but Kevin Smith...has gotta go.
[QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Bruce_McGivern''][QUOTE=''ligerz76''][QUOTE=''Prodigy117'']lol my friend lives in Jersey and he says only North Jersey is bad which he has a point but hey, I wouldn't wanna live there. I'm good in LI,NY[/QUOTE]I don't know why everyone is saying Jersey is bad. Sure we have quite a few very high crime areas(Newark, Camden, Trenton, etc.) and some of the poorest cities in the nation(Camden is the poorest nationwide) but schools are great for the most part and we are home to some of the richest, safest places(places in Bergen and Morris county come to mind). Food here is the best, considering it is very diverse. We have the most diners out of any place in the world actually, many of them open 24 hours. Many places make fun of the accent, sure we say chocklit or cawfee but we don't say joisey or any of that. Neighboring states make fun of the smell and it doesn't smell at all really, only near port cities like Elizabeth and certain city areas. I think NYC smells tons worse than Jersey. The thing about only North Jersey being bad isn't true, it is just a bit more crowded and crime ridden than the rest of the state and no it doesn't smell bad, just in some cities and that's it. Whoa, I got a bit fired up there.
[/QUOTE]Not to mention... Kevin Fcking Smith.[/QUOTE]Exactly. Without him, you wouldn't have Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, or Dogma.
[/QUOTE]Jersey Girl, Clerks II and... of course.. the fabantastic SModcast... because without Kevin Smith.. it would only be Modcast.. And I don't think Scott Mosier could handle it by himself.
[QUOTE=''popsspop'']You guys def need to put down the joys and get out more... Atlantic City!!..enough said[/QUOTE]AC sucks vegas is way better. AC is not that great. go out to the west and you will see how crappy jersy is
Is there any way to improve my NAT type ...
I have a Netgear wireless adapter and I don't wanna spend another $100 on a new one. And seeing as how I can get online I think it is compatible. I've tried port forwarding but that wouldn't work and I'm sick of having a strict NAT type. I'm about 2 minutes away from canceling Xbox Live cause I'm wasting $50 a year and I can't play online with any of my friends.
Does anyone know any other way that I can improve my NAT type to moderate or (preferably) open?Is there any way to improve my NAT type ...
You might try updating your firmware. Between that, and tweaking my router's I stopped getting NAT messages in Halo 3. I wish I could remember the setting I changed. Sorry.Is there any way to improve my NAT type ...
[QUOTE=''jphillips1868'']You might try updating your firmware. Between that, and tweaking my router's I stopped getting NAT messages in Halo 3. I wish I could remember the setting I changed. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
I don't even know where to begin to upgrade my router. The damn router doesn't tell what kind of brand it is. All it says is Netgear CE0560. I never registered it and I looked on the Netgear site and did searches and I couldn't find anything on a firmware update.
lol the brand is netgear mate. if you can log on to the router which you must be able to for the port forwarding try these options
look for a setting to turn on UPNP this will automatically open your nat for your xbox if your router supports it as it knows what ports to forward to your xbox and does it automatcially
if that dont work or its not a option your router then find the section that covers the DHCP leases. set the leases to forever or the maximum amount of time. once you done that turn ur xbox on and check the ip address it has then look for a option to setup a DMZ ZONE then all it should require is enabling and put the ip address of the xbox as the DMZ ZONE that will definetally open your nat up if it dont then ur routers broke or has serious design faults. a dmz zone wont work by forwarding ports instead it removes the firewall thats blocking the port to xbox live. so no port forwarding is even needed.
You can update firmware just by going into your router settings with the disc or entering your IP in your webrowser. I have a Netgear and it works pretty good, but other then portfowarding or live/vista certified router your most likely gonna be out of luck...cosmetics products
Does anyone know any other way that I can improve my NAT type to moderate or (preferably) open?Is there any way to improve my NAT type ...
You might try updating your firmware. Between that, and tweaking my router's I stopped getting NAT messages in Halo 3. I wish I could remember the setting I changed. Sorry.Is there any way to improve my NAT type ...
[QUOTE=''jphillips1868'']You might try updating your firmware. Between that, and tweaking my router's I stopped getting NAT messages in Halo 3. I wish I could remember the setting I changed. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
I don't even know where to begin to upgrade my router. The damn router doesn't tell what kind of brand it is. All it says is Netgear CE0560. I never registered it and I looked on the Netgear site and did searches and I couldn't find anything on a firmware update.
lol the brand is netgear mate. if you can log on to the router which you must be able to for the port forwarding try these options
look for a setting to turn on UPNP this will automatically open your nat for your xbox if your router supports it as it knows what ports to forward to your xbox and does it automatcially
if that dont work or its not a option your router then find the section that covers the DHCP leases. set the leases to forever or the maximum amount of time. once you done that turn ur xbox on and check the ip address it has then look for a option to setup a DMZ ZONE then all it should require is enabling and put the ip address of the xbox as the DMZ ZONE that will definetally open your nat up if it dont then ur routers broke or has serious design faults. a dmz zone wont work by forwarding ports instead it removes the firewall thats blocking the port to xbox live. so no port forwarding is even needed.
You can update firmware just by going into your router settings with the disc or entering your IP in your webrowser. I have a Netgear and it works pretty good, but other then portfowarding or live/vista certified router your most likely gonna be out of luck...
Who liked Naruto Rise of a Ninja?
I just finished it and I thought it was a great start especially if there are plans for a sequel. There arent too many platformers atm so this definately was a breath of fresh air for me. Your thoughts?Who liked Naruto Rise of a Ninja?
Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.Who liked Naruto Rise of a Ninja?
[QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.[/QUOTE] Agreed. The ending left me wanting more and I wish the fighting system was a little more robust, but the platforming really made the game solid.
I would love to see a sequel to this come out. Make it longer, covering most of the rest of the series would be nice, though since we don't have all of them state side, I doubt that. Though I'd be happy with anything I'll admit.
Naruto Shippen is out for ps2 but only in Japan. There is rumor of it coming to 360 but who knows when. I loved Rise of a Ninja. They need to bring Shippen to 360. I saw the gameplay footage for the ps2. Man listen. lol
Instead of making a new thread I figure I'd respond to this one. Was seriously considering buying this since I do like the series (though haven't really watched in a long time) and this seemed like it would be a good platformer and even fighter. Anyone know how well the game did sales wise?
i hate the english voices, i wish u had an option for the japanese voices
[QUOTE=''DuhQbnSiLo'']i hate the english voices, i wish u had an option for the japanese voices [/QUOTE]
There is a downloadble content for the japanese voices.....i played the game it was fantastic....loved every minute of it...and i used to diss the game:P but then it turned out to be a really beautiful and fun made game and i sure enjoyed it espically with the japanese voices.
Are all the Naruto games fighting games? I was looking to get Naruto Ultimate Ninja b/c it looks neat and I like the animation but this review makes it look like it's mostly a fighter. I'm not very familiar with the Naruto games but aren't some of them storyline-based?
It was a great game and it would be nice for see another. I recently completed it myself, just gotta go back and do the other little objectives.
I'm not a Naruto or Anime fan at all but I played it for a few minutes when my brother bought it and it was pretty good. I can't say that I hated it.
So does anyone know how it did sales wise?
It came out at the same time as Assassins Creed and being the same type of game as each other. Naruto was completely overshadowed
[QUOTE=''InfinityMugen''] [QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.[/QUOTE] Agreed. The ending left me wanting more and I wish the fighting system was a little more robust, but the platforming really made the game solid.[/QUOTE] I agree. The game ended rather abruptly with no storyline remaining, just missions. It was a surprisingly good game. I wish DBZ was this enjoyable.
i liked it so much, that when i saw the Ultimate storm for PS3 i just went ahead of myself and ordered a PS3 :P
I was thinking of possibley getting this game.
this game is good even my best naruto game yet, but its dose need more characters in it. But online is a bit annoying you get bad rep when you beat someone, trashtalking and people keep doing the same move to.
Naruto Rise Of a Ninja was awesome. The bit was that it stayed loyal to the series unlike other Naruto games.
i rented it.Overall i enjoyed it and i think they should make a sequel.makeup
Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.Who liked Naruto Rise of a Ninja?
[QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.[/QUOTE] Agreed. The ending left me wanting more and I wish the fighting system was a little more robust, but the platforming really made the game solid.
I would love to see a sequel to this come out. Make it longer, covering most of the rest of the series would be nice, though since we don't have all of them state side, I doubt that. Though I'd be happy with anything I'll admit.
Naruto Shippen is out for ps2 but only in Japan. There is rumor of it coming to 360 but who knows when. I loved Rise of a Ninja. They need to bring Shippen to 360. I saw the gameplay footage for the ps2. Man listen. lol
Instead of making a new thread I figure I'd respond to this one. Was seriously considering buying this since I do like the series (though haven't really watched in a long time) and this seemed like it would be a good platformer and even fighter. Anyone know how well the game did sales wise?
i hate the english voices, i wish u had an option for the japanese voices
[QUOTE=''DuhQbnSiLo'']i hate the english voices, i wish u had an option for the japanese voices [/QUOTE]
There is a downloadble content for the japanese voices.....i played the game it was fantastic....loved every minute of it...and i used to diss the game:P but then it turned out to be a really beautiful and fun made game and i sure enjoyed it espically with the japanese voices.
Are all the Naruto games fighting games? I was looking to get Naruto Ultimate Ninja b/c it looks neat and I like the animation but this review makes it look like it's mostly a fighter. I'm not very familiar with the Naruto games but aren't some of them storyline-based?
It was a great game and it would be nice for see another. I recently completed it myself, just gotta go back and do the other little objectives.
I'm not a Naruto or Anime fan at all but I played it for a few minutes when my brother bought it and it was pretty good. I can't say that I hated it.
So does anyone know how it did sales wise?
It came out at the same time as Assassins Creed and being the same type of game as each other. Naruto was completely overshadowed
[QUOTE=''InfinityMugen''] [QUOTE=''Keitarourashima'']Same here man, although I wish they would've put larger emphesis on the story, I mean 80 episodes in like 6 hours? that covers about 12 eps. The gameplay was fun enough and the graphics were sweet, but it just didn't feel as epic as it should have.[/QUOTE] Agreed. The ending left me wanting more and I wish the fighting system was a little more robust, but the platforming really made the game solid.[/QUOTE] I agree. The game ended rather abruptly with no storyline remaining, just missions. It was a surprisingly good game. I wish DBZ was this enjoyable.
i liked it so much, that when i saw the Ultimate storm for PS3 i just went ahead of myself and ordered a PS3 :P
I was thinking of possibley getting this game.
this game is good even my best naruto game yet, but its dose need more characters in it. But online is a bit annoying you get bad rep when you beat someone, trashtalking and people keep doing the same move to.
Naruto Rise Of a Ninja was awesome. The bit was that it stayed loyal to the series unlike other Naruto games.
i rented it.Overall i enjoyed it and i think they should make a sequel.
Having 2 Xbox 360's on ONE router OPEN ...
I bought a second xbox 360 so me and my bro could play 2 GTA IV's and now they both go strict, I port forwarded the 88 and 3074 garbage and the best I could get was one 360 with OPEN nat and the other with MODERATE nat. My router is on xbox.com's approved list and it even has DMZ and UNPN enabled, and it even has something called gaming mode enabled that helps with online gaming. Does anyone know HOW to get both of them OPEN NAT? this is driving me crazy!! and 1 stays OPEN until the other 360 is turned on, they alternate. Having 2 Xbox 360's on ONE router OPEN ...
I set one 360 to DMZ and the NAT opens up but I port forward the other one and it stays moderate wtf, so port forwarding is screwing me overHaving 2 Xbox 360's on ONE router OPEN ...
i think (if they are both on at the same time), they are conflicting with each other's port forward. if theyre not on at the same time it may be a ''fluke''.
doesnt anyone on this forum have 2 xbox 360's that can be played online on OPEN nat at the same time!?
this is crazy, theyre both set on moderate and they disconnect within 10 minutess!! then I have to press connect to xbox live!! wow!
I have 2 360s on the same router,both with open NAT.Had trouble with my old router like you so I bought a Linksys,opened the ports exactly like I tried to do with my old one and *Presto*,both now have open NAT and I have had no further problems.Can't help you much more than that.If all else fails get a new router.
[QUOTE=''Serial_Killa'']I have 2 360s on the same router,both with open NAT.Had trouble with my old router like you so I bought a Linksys,opened the ports exactly like I tried to do with my old one and *Presto*,both now have open NAT and I have had no further problems.Can't help you much more than that.If all else fails get a new router.[/QUOTE]Same thing. I had a friend bring his Xbox over and had this problem. I had no clue it could even create problems, but my router was too old so we used his new one and that was the only thing that worked. And yes, I did the port forwarding with 88 and 3074 too.
what routers do you use?
I set one 360 to DMZ and the NAT opens up but I port forward the other one and it stays moderate wtf, so port forwarding is screwing me overHaving 2 Xbox 360's on ONE router OPEN ...
i think (if they are both on at the same time), they are conflicting with each other's port forward. if theyre not on at the same time it may be a ''fluke''.
doesnt anyone on this forum have 2 xbox 360's that can be played online on OPEN nat at the same time!?
this is crazy, theyre both set on moderate and they disconnect within 10 minutess!! then I have to press connect to xbox live!! wow!
I have 2 360s on the same router,both with open NAT.Had trouble with my old router like you so I bought a Linksys,opened the ports exactly like I tried to do with my old one and *Presto*,both now have open NAT and I have had no further problems.Can't help you much more than that.If all else fails get a new router.
[QUOTE=''Serial_Killa'']I have 2 360s on the same router,both with open NAT.Had trouble with my old router like you so I bought a Linksys,opened the ports exactly like I tried to do with my old one and *Presto*,both now have open NAT and I have had no further problems.Can't help you much more than that.If all else fails get a new router.[/QUOTE]Same thing. I had a friend bring his Xbox over and had this problem. I had no clue it could even create problems, but my router was too old so we used his new one and that was the only thing that worked. And yes, I did the port forwarding with 88 and 3074 too.
what routers do you use?
Going to but GTA IV soon but... it's fre ...
Hi, I'm hearing some people saying that they bought the game , they completed the first mission then it freezes? Whats up? Should I wait ?THANKS!Going to but GTA IV soon but... it's fre ...
I've had the game since Tuesday and haven't had a single freeze, and I'll note that I'm playing on a launch system that's had one RROD repair.Going to but GTA IV soon but... it's fre ...
Go buy it, although their are some people whos are freezing, the majority arent. I would buy it from walmart, if it freezes, take it back and get another copy.
Thanks for your help.
[QUOTE=''orrytur'']Thanks for your help.[/QUOTE]some peopel have said that it freezes but i only corrued once for me i was online so it might have been lag. i would say go and buy it.
no problems for me so far and im over half way done...no worries man
No problems with mine.
no problems here, either. dont worry about it.
ive clocked in about 15 hours so far and havent had the game freeze once on me.
No freezes here either.
ive been playing about 20 hours and it hasnt froze but the ps3 version keeps freezing on the intro for me so if your getting it for 360 go for it!
[QUOTE=''SH4D0W_ASSASSIN'']ive been playing about 20 hours and it hasnt froze but the ps3 version keeps freezing on the intro for me so if your getting it for 360 go for it![/QUOTE]why do you have both versions?..... and i havnt had any freezes either.
i just had a freeze, coming out of a multiplayer, but i dont think its an issue to warrant not getting the game
I played the first 2 hours without freezes and after thatt i has consistently frozen on me about every 10 mins it goes through a stretch where I walk like a block and it stops yet you can hear sound and then it keeps going, walk a bit more and freezes again. I ust finished playing for a good stretch and had to stop cause it started freezing once again.
It seems it's very random the people who get this problem and how badly, some say they can't get past one mission, my problem is that it starts freezing for no reason yet I can keep playing but with constant freezing which basically makes it unplayable. Rockstar better get their crap together cause millions of copies will be sold and out of those millions a lot of people will have problems because of their stupidity.
yeah between my roomate and i we've played like 10hrs i bet. NOT one freeze or anything. dont worry about it, especially if your 360 is not really old.
ive haven't head of this, been playing since it came out aswell.
Ive been playing for about 20hrs and its only frozen twice. Both times were on multiplayer right after game left lobby and was about to start. It sucks but its not that big a deal.
From what I have heard, GTA IV on the PS3 version has been reported numerous freezes by GTA IV fans on gaming forums. As for the 360 I am not certain, I've played GTA IV on 360 and it has only freezed once after 43 hours of gameplay.
[QUOTE=''snipeshot11'']Go buy it, although their are some people whos are freezing, the majority arent. I would buy it from walmart, if it freezes, take it back and get another copy.[/QUOTE]Agreed- the freezing is a rare problem, and it'll be patched before it can cause any major harm anyways.
No it doesn't freeze
I've had the game since Tuesday and haven't had a single freeze, and I'll note that I'm playing on a launch system that's had one RROD repair.Going to but GTA IV soon but... it's fre ...
Go buy it, although their are some people whos are freezing, the majority arent. I would buy it from walmart, if it freezes, take it back and get another copy.
Thanks for your help.
[QUOTE=''orrytur'']Thanks for your help.[/QUOTE]some peopel have said that it freezes but i only corrued once for me i was online so it might have been lag. i would say go and buy it.
no problems for me so far and im over half way done...no worries man
No problems with mine.
no problems here, either. dont worry about it.
ive clocked in about 15 hours so far and havent had the game freeze once on me.
No freezes here either.
ive been playing about 20 hours and it hasnt froze but the ps3 version keeps freezing on the intro for me so if your getting it for 360 go for it!
[QUOTE=''SH4D0W_ASSASSIN'']ive been playing about 20 hours and it hasnt froze but the ps3 version keeps freezing on the intro for me so if your getting it for 360 go for it![/QUOTE]why do you have both versions?..... and i havnt had any freezes either.
i just had a freeze, coming out of a multiplayer, but i dont think its an issue to warrant not getting the game
I played the first 2 hours without freezes and after thatt i has consistently frozen on me about every 10 mins it goes through a stretch where I walk like a block and it stops yet you can hear sound and then it keeps going, walk a bit more and freezes again. I ust finished playing for a good stretch and had to stop cause it started freezing once again.
It seems it's very random the people who get this problem and how badly, some say they can't get past one mission, my problem is that it starts freezing for no reason yet I can keep playing but with constant freezing which basically makes it unplayable. Rockstar better get their crap together cause millions of copies will be sold and out of those millions a lot of people will have problems because of their stupidity.
yeah between my roomate and i we've played like 10hrs i bet. NOT one freeze or anything. dont worry about it, especially if your 360 is not really old.
ive haven't head of this, been playing since it came out aswell.
Ive been playing for about 20hrs and its only frozen twice. Both times were on multiplayer right after game left lobby and was about to start. It sucks but its not that big a deal.
From what I have heard, GTA IV on the PS3 version has been reported numerous freezes by GTA IV fans on gaming forums. As for the 360 I am not certain, I've played GTA IV on 360 and it has only freezed once after 43 hours of gameplay.
[QUOTE=''snipeshot11'']Go buy it, although their are some people whos are freezing, the majority arent. I would buy it from walmart, if it freezes, take it back and get another copy.[/QUOTE]Agreed- the freezing is a rare problem, and it'll be patched before it can cause any major harm anyways.
No it doesn't freeze
Wooo, go MS!
I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! Wooo, go MS!
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.Wooo, go MS!
[QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..
cool dood !, im glad i bought the halo edition console =] no problemo at all n___n
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] Microsoft suck! It's better to wait a month than to never be able to get it fixed... like me :( They lied so many times! So now i have my 360 with warranty from shop that just gives you a new 360 and takes old one away same day :)
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''][QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..[/QUOTE] Microsoft's original Xbox warranty was for 2 years. During that time period they fix any problem your xbox has.Because of RROD problems MS spent over a billion dollars on repairs, and extended the warranty to 3 years, but the last year ONLY covers RROD issues.That's the background info on it. But yea, just be happy it's getting fixed :) Plus you got 3 months of live out of it so not too shabby. Sucks that it died during GTA4 though. I bet it was like a bad dream.
[QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''][QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..[/QUOTE] Microsoft's original Xbox warranty was for 2 years. During that time period they fix any problem your xbox has.Because of RROD problems MS spent over a billion dollars on repairs, and extended the warranty to 3 years, but the last year ONLY covers RROD issues.That's the background info on it. But yea, just be happy it's getting fixed :) Plus you got 3 months of live out of it so not too shabby. Sucks that it died during GTA4 though. I bet it was like a bad dream.[/QUOTE]Ahhh, i gotcha. yeah, no worries, i'm just pumped they're gonna repair it and everything. and free XBL is always a good thing.and yes, i was doing brucie's third mission... :[ during the cutscene, it stopped with a ''disc unreadable error'' and then gave me the lights. fantastic.
Spent over a billion dollars to fix RROD? OUCH...
[QUOTE=''Elann2008'']Spent over a billion dollars to fix RROD? OUCH...[/QUOTE]No, they set aside one billion dollars from their profits from one financial quarter to cover potential RRoD repairs. That is how much they think the might have to spend in their worst case scenario. There's a big difference between a company setting aside some money in case of trouble and that company acutally spending the same amount. They don't expect to use all of it, believe me.
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.Wooo, go MS!
[QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..
cool dood !, im glad i bought the halo edition console =] no problemo at all n___n
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] Microsoft suck! It's better to wait a month than to never be able to get it fixed... like me :( They lied so many times! So now i have my 360 with warranty from shop that just gives you a new 360 and takes old one away same day :)
[QUOTE=''destinhpark''][QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..[/QUOTE] Microsoft's original Xbox warranty was for 2 years. During that time period they fix any problem your xbox has.Because of RROD problems MS spent over a billion dollars on repairs, and extended the warranty to 3 years, but the last year ONLY covers RROD issues.That's the background info on it. But yea, just be happy it's getting fixed :) Plus you got 3 months of live out of it so not too shabby. Sucks that it died during GTA4 though. I bet it was like a bad dream.
[QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''][QUOTE=''Mau-Justice''][QUOTE=''destinhpark''] I just called in becuase I got the three red lights today. :[ I was playing GTA IV and it stopped and went dead.But I called MS and they said since my console was out of warranty, they'd give me a free 1 year warranty and a free 3 month XBL gold trial for my inconvience! Hell yes!I hope it doesn't take too long to fix...i've heard some horror stories of people having to wait over a month! [/QUOTE] The Warranty for RROD lasts for 3 years. I don't think you could have had an Xbox that long. They didn't really give you a free 1 year.But the 3 month Xbox Live Gold is pretty nice. Sweetens the pot.[/QUOTE]Well she said she gave me an extension for a one year warranty or something? I'm not quite sure, but apparently i'm under warranty for another year with this xbox..[/QUOTE] Microsoft's original Xbox warranty was for 2 years. During that time period they fix any problem your xbox has.Because of RROD problems MS spent over a billion dollars on repairs, and extended the warranty to 3 years, but the last year ONLY covers RROD issues.That's the background info on it. But yea, just be happy it's getting fixed :) Plus you got 3 months of live out of it so not too shabby. Sucks that it died during GTA4 though. I bet it was like a bad dream.[/QUOTE]Ahhh, i gotcha. yeah, no worries, i'm just pumped they're gonna repair it and everything. and free XBL is always a good thing.and yes, i was doing brucie's third mission... :[ during the cutscene, it stopped with a ''disc unreadable error'' and then gave me the lights. fantastic.
Spent over a billion dollars to fix RROD? OUCH...
[QUOTE=''Elann2008'']Spent over a billion dollars to fix RROD? OUCH...[/QUOTE]No, they set aside one billion dollars from their profits from one financial quarter to cover potential RRoD repairs. That is how much they think the might have to spend in their worst case scenario. There's a big difference between a company setting aside some money in case of trouble and that company acutally spending the same amount. They don't expect to use all of it, believe me.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wow Gta4......
Wow gta4 is amazing. I juss bought it today and i am so amazed. It was worth every penny. I hope rockstar makes alot of money because they deserve it.Wow Gta4......
[QUOTE=''deigo'']Wow gta4 is amazing. I juss bought it today and i am so amazed. It was worth every penny. I hope rockstar makes alot of money because they deserve it.[/QUOTE]oh im sure they have gotten a good amount in sales this week. and i agree, i love this game
[QUOTE=''deigo'']Wow gta4 is amazing. I juss bought it today and i am so amazed. It was worth every penny. I hope rockstar makes alot of money because they deserve it.[/QUOTE]oh im sure they have gotten a good amount in sales this week. and i agree, i love this game
GTA IV: Brucie is ****?
I don't know if you guys noticed this but Brucie has a Tattoo on his lower back in Chinese charcters which says ''Ren Yao'' which means transsexual. I can't read or speak Chinese but one of my asian friends told me this which I thought was hilarious since he's a roid-pumping freak all about the chicks haha.
Rock* is awesome, love all these hidden jokes.GTA IV: Brucie is ****?
Lmfao, I never noticed!!!Well, he's always saying the roids dont give him problems with his balls, AND he always wants Niko to touch his abs.That guys annoying though, I made the Chopper explode so I could kill him once :)
Rock* is awesome, love all these hidden jokes.GTA IV: Brucie is ****?
Lmfao, I never noticed!!!Well, he's always saying the roids dont give him problems with his balls, AND he always wants Niko to touch his abs.That guys annoying though, I made the Chopper explode so I could kill him once :)
Access to 360 Live Games---Need Help
I was wondering if you buy a Live game under your gamer tag if anyone who plays on that console, and has a Live gold subscription as well should have access to the games, including receiving achievement points?
My wife is trying to play Luxor 2 under her name and it is not allowing her to play past the first levels.
Is this correct?Access to 360 Live Games---Need Help
Bump....Access to 360 Live Games---Need Help
Yeah it's possible, but if say you bought them on your account and then sent your 360 in for repairs only you can play the game. Everyone else will go back to a trial version, easiest way to clear that up is call and ask them to move the license from the Live game to your new 360 serial number.
Hmmm, I will try that.
My wife is trying to play Luxor 2 under her name and it is not allowing her to play past the first levels.
Is this correct?Access to 360 Live Games---Need Help
Bump....Access to 360 Live Games---Need Help
Yeah it's possible, but if say you bought them on your account and then sent your 360 in for repairs only you can play the game. Everyone else will go back to a trial version, easiest way to clear that up is call and ask them to move the license from the Live game to your new 360 serial number.
Hmmm, I will try that.
Going to buy a used 360, coupe questions ...
Hi, I'm going to buy a used xbox 360, I have a couple of questions:What can I do if I get a red ring on the used console? Does Microsoft charge me to fix it?Going to buy a used 360, coupe questions ...
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Going to buy a used 360, coupe questions ...
They will pay for the repairs if it is still under warrenty. I think the standerd warrenty was extened to 2 or 3 years so it should be covered. If not and it breaks, you will be paying about $70 dollors to fix it. Check the back of the 360 your buying, if it has a HDMI input in the back you should not have any problems with the RRoD.
I've had the 360 for 2 years and had no problems. But recently I had the 3 rings of death and I had to send my xbox back. My xbox was under warranty so I could easily just send it away and they sent a replacment. If this problem occours, it is free but for any other problem it would cost 100$. Make sure when you buy your used 360 it is under warranty. I would reccomend buying a new 360 rather than a used 360. Gstefan22
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE]get out of here. i would just make sure that the 360 has a warranty on it. if the person ur buying it from has opened it then microsoft will not repair it. u get a 1 year warranty of purchase of the 360 that fixes any problems. u get 3 years for rrod (red ring of death) on purchase of the console. if the 1 year is over then its usualy $100-150 to fix.
very simple, dont buy used. there are many problems with the 360s, you will need the warranty.
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE] qft. did he post in system wars board? no. get out of this board if you have nothing to contribute. also, dont buy a used 360. chances are its not the new model, and it 1) does not have an hdmi port, 2) will be loud as a jet engine, and 3) will be at a much MUCH higher risk of getting RROD.
save up 350$ and get a new pro.
i got rroded about 3 weeks ago and started an experiment: how long can you keep your 360 alive with the towel trick.i had to do the towel trick only 3 or 4 times, and i play at least 4 hours a day, so not bad. oh and my new console is on its way but ill keep it in the box until the old one dies for good.
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE] dont listen to this loser. yes, 360s at the start didnt go well. but the new ones are ready to go without that problem. id try to save a little more and get a new one. people like the one above need to shut their mouths and stay on their own fourms. loser
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Thanks for all the responses, I'm going to pay the extra 50 dollars then and get it new.
thats a great idea man. you cant go wrong.
[QUOTE=''BlueFrawg22'']Thanks for all the responses, I'm going to pay the extra 50 dollars then and get it new.[/QUOTE]Amen to that. Hope your satisfied.
if youre going to get a new console i recommend premium system + free gta 4 for 199 quid edit; just realised youre from the us, so ignore what i just said:)
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Going to buy a used 360, coupe questions ...
They will pay for the repairs if it is still under warrenty. I think the standerd warrenty was extened to 2 or 3 years so it should be covered. If not and it breaks, you will be paying about $70 dollors to fix it. Check the back of the 360 your buying, if it has a HDMI input in the back you should not have any problems with the RRoD.
I've had the 360 for 2 years and had no problems. But recently I had the 3 rings of death and I had to send my xbox back. My xbox was under warranty so I could easily just send it away and they sent a replacment. If this problem occours, it is free but for any other problem it would cost 100$. Make sure when you buy your used 360 it is under warranty. I would reccomend buying a new 360 rather than a used 360. Gstefan22
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE]get out of here. i would just make sure that the 360 has a warranty on it. if the person ur buying it from has opened it then microsoft will not repair it. u get a 1 year warranty of purchase of the 360 that fixes any problems. u get 3 years for rrod (red ring of death) on purchase of the console. if the 1 year is over then its usualy $100-150 to fix.
very simple, dont buy used. there are many problems with the 360s, you will need the warranty.
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE] qft. did he post in system wars board? no. get out of this board if you have nothing to contribute. also, dont buy a used 360. chances are its not the new model, and it 1) does not have an hdmi port, 2) will be loud as a jet engine, and 3) will be at a much MUCH higher risk of getting RROD.
save up 350$ and get a new pro.
i got rroded about 3 weeks ago and started an experiment: how long can you keep your 360 alive with the towel trick.i had to do the towel trick only 3 or 4 times, and i play at least 4 hours a day, so not bad. oh and my new console is on its way but ill keep it in the box until the old one dies for good.
[QUOTE=''TooStoned420'']Don't buy any 360's . Dude i had 3 and all broke within a yr. Get a ps3 and tell microsoft go f**k themselves. The 360 is a rip off [/QUOTE] dont listen to this loser. yes, 360s at the start didnt go well. but the new ones are ready to go without that problem. id try to save a little more and get a new one. people like the one above need to shut their mouths and stay on their own fourms. loser
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Thanks for all the responses, I'm going to pay the extra 50 dollars then and get it new.
thats a great idea man. you cant go wrong.
[QUOTE=''BlueFrawg22'']Thanks for all the responses, I'm going to pay the extra 50 dollars then and get it new.[/QUOTE]Amen to that. Hope your satisfied.
if youre going to get a new console i recommend premium system + free gta 4 for 199 quid edit; just realised youre from the us, so ignore what i just said:)
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Madden 2009 IGN Interview - Weak?
I'm just about done with Madden, not just because of this interview - just 'cause there really is very little change to the series. I want the NFL to suffer, as well as EA - for monopolizing the genre of American football and transmogrifying it into an annual let-down.In a recent interview with IGN staff, two producers of the game came off really wrong to me.http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/870/870503p1.htmlCheck out the above link if you'd like, otherwise I'll summarize.Madden 09 is getting online leagues. In the interview the producers mainly talk about whats NOT available with them, and how they'd like to do *insert any particular topic concerning whats involved with online leagues* in the near future.They come off like they are making a groundbreaking game, like the features being added here are somehow super awesome and awe-inspiring.I liked '08, but I haven't loved any Madden - only Gameday on PSX.In light of CoD4, GTA4, Mass Effect, Bioshock, skate., and so many other groundbreaking games that came out this past year - why the HELL do these guys think they are giving us godwater? Boo.Madden 2009 IGN Interview - Weak?
EA never does anything new.... ull just have 2 accecpt that, im just getting it because #4 is on the cover,lolMadden 2009 IGN Interview - Weak?
Why in the world can you not make a league online with only 1-2 friends and use the AI to fill the other teams?That just about ruined the mode for me.O well, I am still buying it 8)
Unless u get every season ticket holder to boycott all NFL games for the next two seasons I reaaaaally dont think u can make the NFL suffer just by not buying Madden 09. '08 was cool I thought. Best Madden for me was '05.
Suck EA got the football licenses, i want NFL 2K...... :P
EA never does anything new.... ull just have 2 accecpt that, im just getting it because #4 is on the cover,lolMadden 2009 IGN Interview - Weak?
Why in the world can you not make a league online with only 1-2 friends and use the AI to fill the other teams?That just about ruined the mode for me.O well, I am still buying it 8)
Unless u get every season ticket holder to boycott all NFL games for the next two seasons I reaaaaally dont think u can make the NFL suffer just by not buying Madden 09. '08 was cool I thought. Best Madden for me was '05.
Suck EA got the football licenses, i want NFL 2K...... :P
has anyone else noticed this
in gta 4 the statue of happiness is hilary cl1ton holding a hot cup of coffe lmao this is geniusmods im sorry for posting this but no one will see it in the stickyhas anyone else noticed this
[QUOTE=''solo4321'']in gta 4 the statue of happiness is hilary cl1ton holding a hot cup of coffe lmao this is geniusmods im sorry for posting this but no one will see it in the sticky[/QUOTE]no i didn't notice hilary but i did notice that its a cup in the statues hand. i agree nobody reads whats in the sticky it just gets horrbiel because nobody answeres question there.has anyone else noticed this
I havent seen the statue, aside from a picture.cosmetics products
[QUOTE=''solo4321'']in gta 4 the statue of happiness is hilary cl1ton holding a hot cup of coffe lmao this is geniusmods im sorry for posting this but no one will see it in the sticky[/QUOTE]no i didn't notice hilary but i did notice that its a cup in the statues hand. i agree nobody reads whats in the sticky it just gets horrbiel because nobody answeres question there.has anyone else noticed this
I havent seen the statue, aside from a picture.
No matter how hard you try ...
You will never be able to see a plane explode or even get scratched in gta iv. if you shoot a rocket launcher at it (especialy to the middle of the plane) it just flies over the plane and completely misses it or under but the point is that it misses the plane on purpose. Ive hit the plane on the nose of it but it didnt do anything. pretty funny and ive heard rumors that you cant fly planes in the game cuz its a new york city copy and i think that this rumor is true. sorry if oldNo matter how hard you try ...
Lol, you cant fly planes. Theres no reason, theres bridges everywhere and you can swim. Not to mention that there are Choppers.No matter how hard you try ...
Plus the horrible plan controlles from the last 2 games ruined it for some, if you couldnt get the hang of the plane in san andreas then you basically have to quit the game and not see the ending just before the last city is open.
Lol, you cant fly planes. Theres no reason, theres bridges everywhere and you can swim. Not to mention that there are Choppers.No matter how hard you try ...
Plus the horrible plan controlles from the last 2 games ruined it for some, if you couldnt get the hang of the plane in san andreas then you basically have to quit the game and not see the ending just before the last city is open.
Did they fix the bugs with Bully?
I'm thinking of buying it, it is $35 on amazon. Is it still buggy?Did they fix the bugs with Bully?
Even after the patch it still was very buggy, a lot of audio bugs, framerates stuttered a lot and a couple of time I had to shut off the game because I glitched into a room I could not exit. The only thing the patched seemed to fix for me was that the game no longer bricked my 360.
Even after the patch it still was very buggy, a lot of audio bugs, framerates stuttered a lot and a couple of time I had to shut off the game because I glitched into a room I could not exit. The only thing the patched seemed to fix for me was that the game no longer bricked my 360.
Diablo 3 - for the 360 (POLL) ...*** ...
So here's the actual news...Blizzard is purchasing all of the Diablo 3 domain names it can. Of course Blizzard has said there is no official announcement of Diablo 3 being in development - but I would (as the reviewer of the article would) say this is a pretty clear indication that a third installment is on it's way.I surely hope it gets made for the 360!!! That would be amazing. :)Anyway as the POLL says - would you buy Diablo 3 for the 360 if it becomes available and is essentially an updated version of Diablo 2 with next gen graphics and gameplay? Of course since Blizzard would still be doing it - I don't see how it could be a ''bad'' game so base your opion on a new next gen version of Diablo 2 - and then when it finally hits it should exceed expectations! Personally I would even buy Diablo 2 for the 360 if it had a graphics update. :)Here's a link to the article:http://kotaku.com/5007477/blizzard-snags-up-diablo-3-site-promises-no-announcement-coming-soonFurthermore here is a quote in reference to Diablo 3 from wordpress.com in an interview with Blizzard followed by the link:''So in the end, we believe BlizzCon 2008 will have two milestones for us. The first one will be a convention build of the Lich King to ramp up those subscription sales and the second one will be the announcement of Diablo 3 for PC and Xbox 360. Wait, did I just say Xbox 360? Yes, those very same interviews reveal that Blizzard is working very closely with Microsoft and they are interested in seeing how the Live Anywhere service can work using battle.net...''http://sogamer.wordpress.com/2007/08/29/rumor-diablo-3-announcement-at-blizzcon-next-year/
Diablo 3 - for the 360 (POLL) ...*** ...
I loved Diablo, that would be great if they made it for the 360.Diablo 3 - for the 360 (POLL) ...*** ...
Diablo 2 was one of the few pc games ive played for the platform. Not bashing pc at all i jus prefer a controller. Diablo 3 on the 360 would be fantastic
Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?
Yeah same here. I've only played a few PC games and two of them being the Diablo's
[QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller. [/QUOTE]i agree
[QUOTE=''DataDream'']Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)[/QUOTE] Have you ever played a non-melee character in diablo? Sure, controlling a Barb with a controller would be fine but for any caster characters i would much rather have my keyboard and hotkeys. Diablo is and should remain a PC game, i want 3, just not on a console.
I choose no, but not because I hate the games, I would just rather buy it for the PC. It doesn't seem like it would feel right as a console game.
If Diablo 3 ever comes out, I don't think it would ever come out on the 360. It would be cool, but I don't see it happening.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.[/QUOTE]Fair pointsArkadian Warriors on XBLA is the closest thing we have so far to a Diablo-style game, though I've only tried the demo and used the warrior.Hack'n'slash characters might work well with a pad, but I do like my hotkeys, particularly for spell casters when you get surrounded, or want to circle-strafe round an enemy while firing spells.
No doubt about it; I'd love to see Diablo 3 on the Xbox 360. It's been a long long time since we've had a great multi-player RPG out; similar to Diablo. The only recent one I can think of besides Arkadian Warriors were Baulder's Gate games; and those were so much fun to play!!I don't think using the controller would be as difficult as some have mentioned. You could use the trigger buttons to bring up macros for spells. for example, hold LT (bring up a macro list) and hit X for fireball or hold RT and Y for whirlwind. I'm sure it could be refined, but I could see it working. I'm not saying a controller would be better than keyboard and mouse, but I think using a controller could work very well.
its not that bad to control a caster, i have arkadian warriors and they have casters, its really easy
Add another options:No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive.I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.
[QUOTE=''Just_Osmo''] Add another options: No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive. I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.[/QUOTE] First I can't add another option as once voting starts in a POLL it is locked and uneditable. Secondly as I stated in a response to someone who said the same thing earlier - due to the fact that the Modrators have been over zaelous (IMO) lately I decided to keep this strictly in the realm of the 360.
A 360 Diablo 3 would be cool, but I would probably get a new Diablo game for my PC long before I would ever get it for a console.
Blizzard very rarely ports their games to consoles, and I don't think they've ever made a console exclusive game. Starcraft for N64 is the last time I remember them releasing anything for a console. Diablo 3 would be better on the PC anyway.
Would I? Absolutely.Will they make it for 360? Absolutely not.D2 can't be played without a mouse, remember a sorceress' teleport skill? Or Traps? A controller can't do these things.I'll still be playing this 100% at release. I LOOOVED D2. I hate WoW.
1. Most likely it would be made for the PC2. If it ever comes out for the 360, they better not mess with the formula too much. That isometrical view was a classic and I will be dissappointed if they try to make all fancy and 3-d and such.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
I loved Diablo, that would be great if they made it for the 360.Diablo 3 - for the 360 (POLL) ...*** ...
Diablo 2 was one of the few pc games ive played for the platform. Not bashing pc at all i jus prefer a controller. Diablo 3 on the 360 would be fantastic
Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?
Yeah same here. I've only played a few PC games and two of them being the Diablo's
[QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller. [/QUOTE]i agree
[QUOTE=''DataDream'']Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)[/QUOTE] Have you ever played a non-melee character in diablo? Sure, controlling a Barb with a controller would be fine but for any caster characters i would much rather have my keyboard and hotkeys. Diablo is and should remain a PC game, i want 3, just not on a console.
I choose no, but not because I hate the games, I would just rather buy it for the PC. It doesn't seem like it would feel right as a console game.
If Diablo 3 ever comes out, I don't think it would ever come out on the 360. It would be cool, but I don't see it happening.
[QUOTE=''DataDream''][QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] Your poll doesn't have enough optionsYes I want Diablo 3, but not on 360 - this is a PC game through and through. A mouse works much better for this sort of game than a controllerI wonder if it would be possible to make it cross platform to allow PC and 360 gamers to play together?[/QUOTE] First - yes they definitely ''could'' make it cross platform as it's been done with much more complicated types of games.Secondly - since this is the 360 forums and the Mods have been VERY picky lately I decided to limit this to a 360 discussion. Also with a hack-n-slash type of game I don't really feel there is any advantage to using a keyboard and mouse versus a controller. In FPS's sure there are advantages but for a game like Diablo I don't feel like using a controller is limiting at all - but that's just my opinion of course. :)I would love to see it cross platform that way - you clould play with a KB/MS and I could play with a controller.[/QUOTE]Fair pointsArkadian Warriors on XBLA is the closest thing we have so far to a Diablo-style game, though I've only tried the demo and used the warrior.Hack'n'slash characters might work well with a pad, but I do like my hotkeys, particularly for spell casters when you get surrounded, or want to circle-strafe round an enemy while firing spells.
No doubt about it; I'd love to see Diablo 3 on the Xbox 360. It's been a long long time since we've had a great multi-player RPG out; similar to Diablo. The only recent one I can think of besides Arkadian Warriors were Baulder's Gate games; and those were so much fun to play!!I don't think using the controller would be as difficult as some have mentioned. You could use the trigger buttons to bring up macros for spells. for example, hold LT (bring up a macro list) and hit X for fireball or hold RT and Y for whirlwind. I'm sure it could be refined, but I could see it working. I'm not saying a controller would be better than keyboard and mouse, but I think using a controller could work very well.
its not that bad to control a caster, i have arkadian warriors and they have casters, its really easy
Add another options:No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive.I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.
[QUOTE=''Just_Osmo''] Add another options: No, I would ratehr have it PC exclusive. I wouldnt want a console to hinder the game.[/QUOTE] First I can't add another option as once voting starts in a POLL it is locked and uneditable. Secondly as I stated in a response to someone who said the same thing earlier - due to the fact that the Modrators have been over zaelous (IMO) lately I decided to keep this strictly in the realm of the 360.
A 360 Diablo 3 would be cool, but I would probably get a new Diablo game for my PC long before I would ever get it for a console.
Blizzard very rarely ports their games to consoles, and I don't think they've ever made a console exclusive game. Starcraft for N64 is the last time I remember them releasing anything for a console. Diablo 3 would be better on the PC anyway.
Would I? Absolutely.Will they make it for 360? Absolutely not.D2 can't be played without a mouse, remember a sorceress' teleport skill? Or Traps? A controller can't do these things.I'll still be playing this 100% at release. I LOOOVED D2. I hate WoW.
1. Most likely it would be made for the PC2. If it ever comes out for the 360, they better not mess with the formula too much. That isometrical view was a classic and I will be dissappointed if they try to make all fancy and 3-d and such.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
what do YOU do
i was just wondering what all of you did while your xbox was in the mail after a break, i haven't really found a whole lot to do with out getting board quickly at my place inless a friend is over. any suggestionswhat do YOU do
don't you play pc games?what do YOU do
i actually went out and bought another one, 2 weeks was too long...lol
Well when it broke I just got a job so I really didnt care at the time, haha. Whenever I wanted to play something, I either played my PC game (Only have AVP2) or my Ps3 or PS2.
I have a lot more sex when my 360 is out for repair and its been 3 times in the last 5 months so i started to watch my girlfriend closely, she might be behind this rrod epidemy...
i don't really have any pc games, i do have a job and i have no other console other than my wii, which does not sufice
It's called: computer, tivo, and coke.
When mine broke and was sent for repair, I went out every evening when the wind would pick up and I flew this monster kite I have. It lifted me off the ground a few times. There's a link for it.http://www.kitefarm.com/id419.htm
don't you play pc games?what do YOU do
i actually went out and bought another one, 2 weeks was too long...lol
Well when it broke I just got a job so I really didnt care at the time, haha. Whenever I wanted to play something, I either played my PC game (Only have AVP2) or my Ps3 or PS2.
I have a lot more sex when my 360 is out for repair and its been 3 times in the last 5 months so i started to watch my girlfriend closely, she might be behind this rrod epidemy...
i don't really have any pc games, i do have a job and i have no other console other than my wii, which does not sufice
It's called: computer, tivo, and coke.
When mine broke and was sent for repair, I went out every evening when the wind would pick up and I flew this monster kite I have. It lifted me off the ground a few times. There's a link for it.http://www.kitefarm.com/id419.htm
I loved FEAR, should I buy the expansion ...
FEAR is one of my most favorite games. I've played it over 5-6 times from beginning to the end. Although the expansion got a lot of bad reviews, I'm wondering what your opinion is. I know that the graphics are still the same as the original, but that part doesnt bug me too much. What I loved was the shooting sequences mixed with the moments of suspense (as well as an interesting story). How would you rate the expansion bundle based on those categories?I loved FEAR, should I buy the expansion ...
Fun, go buy it you wont regret itI loved FEAR, should I buy the expansion ...
Just in case you don't know... all the events that happen in the expansions are disregarded in Project Origin.
Well, this is just my opinion but i think fear is meant to be played on a pc. Regarding the expansions, well i enjoyed the extraction point expansion more then the original game, but i havent tried the new expansion because it just seemed to much of the same.
nope avoid it if at all possible, best idea is to get the extraction point expansion for the pc, because i heard perseus mandate sucked
iv got all the fear games exept for project origin ofcourse all i have to say is that you wont regret it, if you liked fear then get it. And just so you know that perseus mandate wasnt that **** the reviews were pathetic only problem with perseus is that it is repeatative. extraction was the pawnage but short.
[QUOTE=''chainsawzorro'']FEAR is one of my most favorite games. I've played it over 5-6 times from beginning to the end. Although the expansion got a lot of bad reviews, I'm wondering what your opinion is. I know that the graphics are still the same as the original, but that part doesnt bug me too much. What I loved was the shooting sequences mixed with the moments of suspense (as well as an interesting story). How would you rate the expansion bundle based on those categories?[/QUOTE] that was the most annoying fps i have ever played.
From the sounds of it, you are a big fan of FEAR.I too loved FEAR. If you liked the first one, you'll definitely love the expansions. It's basically more FEAR for your buck. More slow-mo, more ass kicking, new enemies and more storyline. As Twiggiy mentioned though, all the events in the expansions are disregarded in Project Origin. Also note that online play is completely non-existent. But the FEAR expansions are a great addition (with reasonable achievements this time). If you're still not convinced, watch this youtube video here. You can also download the Fear Files demo on the XBox Marketplace.
Fun, go buy it you wont regret itI loved FEAR, should I buy the expansion ...
Just in case you don't know... all the events that happen in the expansions are disregarded in Project Origin.
Well, this is just my opinion but i think fear is meant to be played on a pc. Regarding the expansions, well i enjoyed the extraction point expansion more then the original game, but i havent tried the new expansion because it just seemed to much of the same.
nope avoid it if at all possible, best idea is to get the extraction point expansion for the pc, because i heard perseus mandate sucked
iv got all the fear games exept for project origin ofcourse all i have to say is that you wont regret it, if you liked fear then get it. And just so you know that perseus mandate wasnt that **** the reviews were pathetic only problem with perseus is that it is repeatative. extraction was the pawnage but short.
[QUOTE=''chainsawzorro'']FEAR is one of my most favorite games. I've played it over 5-6 times from beginning to the end. Although the expansion got a lot of bad reviews, I'm wondering what your opinion is. I know that the graphics are still the same as the original, but that part doesnt bug me too much. What I loved was the shooting sequences mixed with the moments of suspense (as well as an interesting story). How would you rate the expansion bundle based on those categories?[/QUOTE] that was the most annoying fps i have ever played.
From the sounds of it, you are a big fan of FEAR.I too loved FEAR. If you liked the first one, you'll definitely love the expansions. It's basically more FEAR for your buck. More slow-mo, more ass kicking, new enemies and more storyline. As Twiggiy mentioned though, all the events in the expansions are disregarded in Project Origin. Also note that online play is completely non-existent. But the FEAR expansions are a great addition (with reasonable achievements this time). If you're still not convinced, watch this youtube video here. You can also download the Fear Files demo on the XBox Marketplace.
first games to get
Im getting an xbox 360 this summer in june and I was wondering what games I should get with it first. I am definately getting grand theft auto IV so dont bother mentioning it ;) O and im not really interested in any family, fighting, or racing games so try not to mention those. I really like any kind of shooter game but im not that big on tactical shooters. Also, dont mention Oblivion either because im gonna get that just not right away. Oh and if ur wondering why im asking this even though there is a thread already saying great games to get, its because.......... nevermind i really dont know :Dfirst games to get
umm halo 3 and call of duty 4....those are my first games...got my 360 last week....im getting oblivion this weekend too....but youre gonna get that also so...:Dfirst games to get
Call of Duty 4 sounds like a good game for you
Grand Theft Auto 4, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Halo 3, The Orange Box, Ranbow 6 Vegas, Vegas 2, BioShock, Oblivian, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Thats a list of some of the m,ajor good games and some of my favs.
Mass EffectAnd ofcourse if you really have to ask Grand theft auto 4
halo 3 gta4
Grand Theft Auto 4
The Darkness
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Halo 3
the 2 shooters you need get is halo3 and cod4 if any one tell you rbv2 dont because you will have to do team work and bla bla bla make sure you get xbox live and maby buy play and charge kit save money on batterys and those 3 games would hold you aleassssst oct if you geting in june and thats if you play like 6 hours a day lol and when ever you get oblivion and if you get the goty one that hold you 150-200 hours easy by it self i aready put 28 hours in gta and just got to 2 city lol
Iron Man?Forgive me.
[QUOTE=''Matt-4542'']Grand Theft Auto 4
The Darkness
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Halo 3[/QUOTE] Second that. Plus - The Orange Box, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Lost Odyssey, Dark Sector, Graw 2.
No matter what anyone says Assassin's Creed is not worth buying but it's an awesome rental...I got mine for christmas so that's the only reason I have it. COD4 is a great shooter, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bioshock can be a rental, Mass Effect is awesome, NBA 2k8 is the best sports game IMO
[QUOTE=''Aftermath6'']No matter what anyone says Assassin's Creed is not worth buying but it's an awesome rental...I got mine for christmas so that's the only reason I have it. COD4 is a great shooter, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bioshock can be a rental, Mass Effect is awesome, NBA 2k8 is the best sports game IMO[/QUOTE] Agreed. When you get Oblivion and if you like it you should really get Mass Effect.
and change nba 2k8 to nhl 08 lolmakeup
umm halo 3 and call of duty 4....those are my first games...got my 360 last week....im getting oblivion this weekend too....but youre gonna get that also so...:Dfirst games to get
Call of Duty 4 sounds like a good game for you
Grand Theft Auto 4, Call of Duty 4, Gears of War, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Halo 3, The Orange Box, Ranbow 6 Vegas, Vegas 2, BioShock, Oblivian, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Thats a list of some of the m,ajor good games and some of my favs.
Mass EffectAnd ofcourse if you really have to ask Grand theft auto 4
halo 3 gta4
Grand Theft Auto 4
The Darkness
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Halo 3
the 2 shooters you need get is halo3 and cod4 if any one tell you rbv2 dont because you will have to do team work and bla bla bla make sure you get xbox live and maby buy play and charge kit save money on batterys and those 3 games would hold you aleassssst oct if you geting in june and thats if you play like 6 hours a day lol and when ever you get oblivion and if you get the goty one that hold you 150-200 hours easy by it self i aready put 28 hours in gta and just got to 2 city lol
Iron Man?Forgive me.
[QUOTE=''Matt-4542'']Grand Theft Auto 4
The Darkness
Rainbow Six Vegas
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Halo 3[/QUOTE] Second that. Plus - The Orange Box, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Lost Odyssey, Dark Sector, Graw 2.
- Call of Duty 4
- Bioshock (you'll love it if you remotely like fps's)
- Halo 3
- Mass Effect
- Guitar Hero 3
No matter what anyone says Assassin's Creed is not worth buying but it's an awesome rental...I got mine for christmas so that's the only reason I have it. COD4 is a great shooter, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bioshock can be a rental, Mass Effect is awesome, NBA 2k8 is the best sports game IMO
[QUOTE=''Aftermath6'']No matter what anyone says Assassin's Creed is not worth buying but it's an awesome rental...I got mine for christmas so that's the only reason I have it. COD4 is a great shooter, Rainbow Six Vegas, Bioshock can be a rental, Mass Effect is awesome, NBA 2k8 is the best sports game IMO[/QUOTE] Agreed. When you get Oblivion and if you like it you should really get Mass Effect.
and change nba 2k8 to nhl 08 lol
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